Triaxis EFX Routing

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Oct 10, 2010
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I've added a Triaxis to my gear (running into a 20/20 to stereo Recto cabs). I'm trying to add various stereo EFX devices (TC G Force, Axe Ultra,..) via the send/ receive route. I get EFX OK but I have no control over wet/ dry mix from the Triaxis itself. I've read manual and it says master is EFX send and A/B dials are returns. But, no matter what I do with these the wet/ dry mix seems the same. Am I missing something here? Is there any way of controlling amount of send/ receive from Triaxis?

A separate (related?) issue is that, on my Triaxis, the (B) inner output dial has no effect. That channel plays full regardless of what you do with the output dial. The A (outer) dial works fine. This is (basically) a new Triaxis so I was hoping it wasn't broken.

Any ideas? Thx!
You are right, there isn't a mix control on the Triaxis FX sends, so you can't mix dry with wet. It is a serial loop which requires that you do the wet/dry mixing in your FX units - in your case, the Axefx and the G-force. It's not ideal, but it's the way it is. Mesa seems to strongly favour serial loops over parallel loops.

Your B output pot is faulty. it should work, it is just a fluke that it has failed in the working position rather than not working. You can sometimes clean them out and get them going again, but you may have to replace it. It's not a huge job.

Sorry these aren't the answers you wanted, but now that you know, you can find some solutions.
Thx! I can deal with the serial routing. But, you know, I think you really lose something. There is something about maintaining that pristine dry signal that is important. Somehow, now matter how low the mix on the EFX units (and I'm working with top quality units), it's never the same. I hit "bypass" on the EFX unit and, WOW! There's that great amp sound again. I think this is why a lot of guys are using EFX FOH (and folding back in monitors).

I may actually try a new strategy: Run the slave or recording outs to the EFX unit and create a parallel loop myself. I have spare 20/20s and cabs so I could literally run a live EFX channel. This is what I do in the studio: mic the cab dry and mix in EFX on separate channel.

Thx for the tip on the pot! I appreciate the help.
No problem. I had the same confusion when I first got my Triaxis. It's the one feature where the Marshall JMP1 triumphed over the TRI. I much prefer keeping a real dry signal but I found it too much of a hassle to solve it using more gear (I wanted each patch to have a different dry/wet mix). I do feel I lose a bit by having my "dry" signal go through a AD/DA conversion. Mesa just has this weird paranoia about phase cancelation with FX units, it seems.

Best of luck sorting everything.
I've run into a routing question on this. I am actually now thinking of using a Switchblade instead of the RJM mini mixer because it will allow me to use multiple pres/ EFX devices and will switch my amps and works with my Ground Control Pro. However, having not run the Triaxis w/ parallel EFX, I assumed I could use the EFX sends to send a separate (parallel) signal to EFX. But, I've discovered that using the EFX sends disrupts the signal path in the Triaxis (no dry signal to outputs--makes sense when serial path considered). The only option I see is the recording outs but these (as I understand it) already have a power amp/ cab-type emulation in them which would likely not sound right going to the power amp/ cabs post EFX.

So, unless I'm missing something, it appears I'm back to square 1 with no outputs to feed a parallel EFX loop.

Any other ideas how to do this?
OK. I think I found the ultimate solution to this (and a number of other) problems. It's not cheap. But, today I ordered the Switchblade GL: With this, I can run virtually any number of EFX and preamps in parallel, series... all with full midi control from GCP. Although this is not a cheap device ($2K), I will pay for it by selling separate power amps and EFX devices I no longer need for multiple rigs. Now, Instead of having 4 preamps, 4 power amps and 6 EFX devices, I'll have 3 pres (Triaxis, Recto & Studio, which I can run in parallel if I wish), Axe Ultra, G-Force & Eventide H8000 (run parallel to pres) and single 20/20 & 2:90s with stereo cabs on each. Switchblade allows me to switch all of above and run into either (or both) power amps. I was all set to go GCX/ System mix but Switchblade kills this. For those that don't need 16 I/O, the 8 channel version is only $1K. This is
still a sizable chuck of dough. But, for the flexibility I get, price is cheap. System Mix/ GCX would cost $1K and doesn't do 1/2 as much.

Wow... that's one hell of a complicated rack system krcassid...

My head spins with just the triaxis and my GSP 1101... But then again, I just got the triaxis and still haven't toppled the learning curve. Awesome unit though.

Murkat, I'll have to make a mental note for that switcher. Mainly because I might install a midi pickup on my guitar and mount a phantom rack with my setup. That midi channel switcher would probably work out great -- does it have assignable outputs for those channels?

I'll probably need to wait a few months for my head to stop spinning to think about making it any crazier... Or maybe I should just get a keyboard for midi 'on off' style notes! :roll:
In the end, I got 2 Switchblades, a GL (16 channel) and an 8B. This still didn't quite do it so I got a couple of GRX4s for pedals (another 8 loops). Total loops = 32. However, I'm running a Wet/ Dry/ Wet rig in stereo with 3 power amps, 6 cabs... I even have a stereo pair of AC30s. Every device you see in the rack (and pedals you can’t) are on individual loops on one of the Switchblades or GRXs. The 8B controls the guitar in/ preamps/ power amps and the GL functions as a monster EFX loop for the 8B. The two Switchblades are working together happily on Winblade in Win 7 64bit on a Midisport 4 x 4. I also have Axe Edit and the Triaxis Editor on the PC/ Midisport so I can use all 4 GUIs simultaneously for setup. Live, everything is controlled via midi 8 X 8, a GCP and the Axe Ultra by an MFC.

I am done (REALLY)

I do everything (short of arenas/stadiums). However, the purpose of doing this was to create the most flexible setup possible. It is not very loud (Wet cabs are run by 20/20, Dry by 2:90 or 20/20). The Switchblades allow me to create any number of presets and control the gain at any point. So, if I'm playing a smaller place, I'll use the 20/20s with 3 1 X 12 cabs. A bigger place, the 2:90 (for Dry) and larger cabs. I don't generally want to generate a ton of volume onstage. The Switchblades allow me to use the same presets but dial down the gain to power amp by any %. So, literally, this goes 40 dB to 120. The other 2 things that were extremely important to me were:

1.) To be able to run preamp + EFX to board. You'll note I have an Axe Ultra in there so I can get great emulations from that w/o using cabs at all but still use my pres & EFX if necessary (although the Axe does a great job by itself). I tried using the Axe alone for awhile but there are many times it does not compare well to my preamps/ amps/cabs

2.) Roll into studio and connect in seconds: the "master" Switchblade has stereo IO to a Lynx Aurora 16 converter. So, I can roll into my studio, or anybody else's, and hookup in 1 minute. Even if micing cabs, hookup < 5 mins. But, with direct hookup, I can do all kinds of reamping or simply use the devices in my rack in the studio (or visa versa). Basically, it is stereo plug n play.

3.) Easy to move/ set up. These are 2 racks (8 & 18). They come apart by detaching 4 audio cables, 4 midi cables & 1 power cable. So, setup/ take down is < 5 mins.

The only real negative is the programming time. Although the GUIs on the Axe/ Triaxis & Switchblades are great, we are still talking about 1000s of potential routings. Use of the Axe's 2 I/Os allows it to be used for amp/ cab emulations & simultaneously as an EFX loop. So, I can, for example, use the Axe's EFX/compression before Triaxis, back out to Triaxis and back in for delays, cabs... The Switchblade's GUIs make the programming a TON easier. I create various preamp/ amp combinations in one Switchblade, various EFX combinations in the other, and mix/ match.
My hats off to ya if you can make that kind of dough with music. 8)

What's your pedal board look like?
That's some great gear you have assembled together : )
I hope the switchblades work out for your needs, they certainly look good from what I've read about them. Let us know how it all works out you.

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