TRIAXIS - 50/50 problems

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Active member
Aug 30, 2006
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Hi guys,
Im new here and an newish owner to a TRIAXIS, 50/50 pwr amp (newer model) & recto traditional cab.

Q: Does the Triaxis absolutely need the 2:90 to get the 'right' tone by switching its 3 modes or is this function more of a tone shaper for individual tastes? (I'm considering returning the 50/50 and buying 2:90)
I am having difficulty getting enough 'meat' out of the LD2 modes. Have used PETRUCCI presets (and others) as a guide to get started as I'm aware these arent plug n play in terms of the EQ structure.

I have already had one triaxis replaced as it was faulty and 50/50 had tubes replaced (pre and pwr) as it sounded thin when pushed past say 2 oclock.

I'm from Australia and getting info here is like getting blood from a stone as its is considered 'boutique' over here and nobody knows a lot about Mesa gear.

I'm a working musican so I have a fairly high level of experience dialling in a 'tone' but this setup has left me second guessing my own ears and A/B this rig with old gear. Have used tube amps and good equipment (ie: effexts guitars pedals etc.....) always for years but this seems to be faulty gear or a massive learning curve!! :(

ANY help you guys can offer is appreciated in advance THANKS :D
dude, getting enough meat out of your triaxis is a very subjective discussion. You mentioned petrucci...but who else do you think has a "meaty" tone that you dig? I have a triaxis and a 20/ rocks for me and I have never had a complaint about it either live or in the studio......however, my buddy has a triaxis and a 290 and runs the deep and modern settings nearly all the time and it sounds freaking is almost too meaty for me! my experience is that you will never be disappointed in owning a 290 based on what i have heard.
Thanks for your reply man!

Its not to say Petruccis' tone is particularly meaty (I think he used to run his old 2:90 with deep and modern on) but its a tone that I would like to model my own from, and yes tone is subjective but I definatly think I have problem. My roots are in metal and prog so I am trying to get a tone for those styles mainly(not looking for bone crushing btm though!)

If I compare the sound from my old setup (peavey ULTRA and Marshall 1960) it just doesnt sound as 'fat' - I even have to run about 3 and 4 dB of 100hz and 200hz in the loop to make it sound better. Just not sure if the 2:90 in deep or modern modes will ad the btm that I think im lacking?
the 2:90 will definitely help, especially since you can get it louder without it distorting. however the volume will need to go at least 9:00 on the 290 before the tone is really good (and it doesnt sound like much, but it really is f***in loud that low
I have also the 20/20 with my triaxis and I think it have more guts than other awarded amps, in my point of view I think that it is better to get a good and definided tone and gain that a lots of harmonics from an overdriven tube pushing the THD to the limit.
For my taste the 20/20 and triaxis has a very good definition and sound.
About John Petrucci... good person, good player and good equipment. I saw his equipment and he has 2 fridges-racks so don´t waste your time and money achieve the petrucci sound is so expensive...
Where did you see the petrucci presets???
wow i just asked a similar question here about a month or 2 ago. the big thing i changed was the power tubes. i had the stock mesa tubes in, then i traded them out for some winged "c"s. it was night and day, and i am by no means a tone freak. also i just got parametric EQ that really helped out. but i would change the power tubes out with something different than stock first.
Well I ended up returning my 50/50 and by a total fluke ended up with bought a used Marshall 9200 and BBE Sonic Maximiser which helped get me a fatter tone. I guess I'm still coming to terms with the endless possibilities you have with the Triaxis and have realised that I dont think the dynamic voice is entirly shaping my tone the way an external graphic would do in the effects loop. In my opinion, the EQ structure on this is sometimes frustrating the way some modes have pre-gain EQ etc and the DV only REDUCES midrange which doesnt really leave you the luxury of just reaching for a midrange or btm pot and just 'dialing in' a little more or a little less WITHOUT affecting GAIN.

I have read here that others also agree that an EQ in the loop is the way to go and I will be experimenting with that soon, a midi/digital version is the preffered choice I think as to have different settings on the Triaxis's different modes as they respond differently as you would expect.
Well, I got a 2:90 with a Triaxis and man, I sound fat and loud with whatever cab I'm using. I mean, it's insanely loud, plus you got the 3 modes of the 2:90, what else do you need? I think you should have bought the 2:90 to go along with your Triaxis, nothing compares to that. This pair can be mean as hell. I'm satisfied when using it with my 212 cab and I tweak it a little when using my 412 and each time my jaw goes on the floor. It's expensive but it's worth it. I've been playing for a little more than 20 years now and I don't think I will buy another amp-preamp duet. It blows me away everytime I swicth those on. This is the real thing man.