Tremoverb v.s. blue angel/maverick v.s. orange ad140

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Mar 21, 2008
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Hey guys, I'm looking to get some advice from some experienced Boogie users as to what amp I should get. I've been playing guitar for about 7 years now, but until this point I've been using a 65' fender bassman head through an old fender cab that was a hand-me-down from my uncle; in other words, I've never bought my own amp before. Anyway, after doing some research I've become very interested in the Tremoverb, the blue angel, and the maverick, as well as the ad140 from orange at the suggestion from a friend. I'm primarily a single coil player, using a 98 deluxe strat with Lindy Fralins, and a G&L bluesboy Asat hollowbody, though I've also got an old Guild s-100 with humbuckers. Anyway, I'm looking for an amp that will give my strat and g&l a big fat SRV/Hendrix kind of blues tone, but also a thick rage against the machine/Chili peppers kind of rock sound. And finally, I'd like to have a little more crunch to get a good Tool/incubus sound. I know it seems like I ask for a lot out of an amp, but from what I've researched, the boogies have the versatility to get close to the sounds I want. So I ask for you help; which of these amps will get me the closest to the tone's I'm looking for: the Tremoverb, blue angel/maverick, or the orange?
Thanks for your help!
The Tremoverb seems like a good option, considering it has a channel for each of the tones you mentioned. :)

If you decide to go with that, I'd snatch the one that's on ebay right now. They don't come around too often, it took a while for me to find mine.
You do realize among these three Boogie, they're all discountinued and you have to find one for sale used.

For the Trem-o-Verb, for your use, you would rarely use the Red Channel Modern Hi Gain. The other modes channel maybe useable. Its a 100 watt amp, and this amp doesn't sound great at low volumes. I have a ToV. Great sounding amp. One complaint, I have to play it loud to get the mojo tone flowing.

I really have a big interest in the Maverick since if you reading both manuals of TremoVerb and Maverick, their channels and modes works same principle. So I would feel very at home with a Maverick.

I played my friend's Blue Angel. Boogie's closes thing to behave some what like vintage Fender. No fancy preamp gain control. But I did not play it long enough and experiment long enough. For my preference seems like it could use different speakers. I did not dig the 4 x 10 Jensen[?] or Eminence. But I know other do like these stock speakers.

I'm not familiar with Today's new line of Orange amps.

Sorry did not say much, but others will chime in.
RR said:
For the Trem-o-Verb, for your use, you would rarely use the Red Channel Modern Hi Gain. The other modes channel maybe useable.

He said he wants a good Tool and Incubus sound, which is what the Modern channel specializes in. I should also mention that Mike Einziger of Incubus has used a Tremoverb in the past (Science through Morning View).
Thanks for the feedback so far guys. I was wondering about the 100 watts of the tremoverb; having a bassman rated around 40 watts, I really like to crank my amp, and would want to do the same with a mesa, which is why I would consider taking out some of the power tubes and re-biasing it to 50 watts, though I've only heard about this and don't know if it really works well, hence the consideration of the smaller combos- the blue angel and the maverick. Also, I've tried to hear some people playing a mesa with single coils, but most boogie players are humbucker guys (though there's nothing wrong with that); all i've found are some youtube videos of Mike Einziger from Incubus playing with his jazzmaster and I don't know what he's doing(amp settings, pedal set up etc.), but he's got a kind of fizzy sound, a lack of clarity. So I'td be great to hear from anyone who's played some single coils through a tremoverb and gotten some great big, tight riffs to come out of it. Also, if anyone has compared one to a orange amp it'd be great to hear what you think,--I live in the middle of nowhere and can't try any of these amps easily, so I look to you guys!
Hey Man....I've got 2 G&L ASAT's and a Fender Thinline w/Dimarzio hums. I love the G&L's thru my LSS. Probably not your cup, but I'm just starting to explore with it. I like the tremoverb idea, as I'm an old fender man. Two things you can't live without....trem & verb....Sounds to me like your looking for old school tone and clarity, but with the balls of a low watt overdriven amp, trying to be heard over the drums. I may be way off base but thats the feel I get. I use an LSS, but my backup is a Fender Concert Reverb. Sometimes I like to run'em both together.....You talk about a " ring in a bell" Plus the big mesa balls......I just finished jammin with my band. Can ya tell?...Let us know what and why when you decide.... good luck.....CGM..
Tremoverb. I've seen Einziger in concert when he was using the two tremoverb combos. There was nothing Fizzy about his tone.

The Trem has great cleans for that SRV/ RHCP tone your looking for.

AJ used DR's and I really miss one for that Aenima tone which I believe is the only album he used DR's on. Optiate had to be a Marshall. I'm undecided if the tone on Undertow was a DR as I get some very similar tones out of my DSL 50 and suspect that was a Modded JCM 800. I think Laterlus forward was Diezel VHT4. Hard to tell, he's not one to discuss gear.

For Rage you may find the Trem slightly disappointing. Rage has been a part of my playing and my DR got close with EL34's and TS808 out front but something was always missing.

Pulling tubes... Sling75 has one of the best "lower volume" Trems I've heard. All with stock Mesa tubes, surprising as I've never really been a fan of them, and without pulling a single tube or running an attenuator. When pulling tubes (or selecting a 50w option on a RK or Roadster) it always felt like something was missing. My DR did not do quiet period. I'd reach what I thought was a happy middle ground only to become dissapointed with the tone over time.

Each Mesa is different and hopefully you'll have an opportunity to play whatever you want to buy first. I never found Rectifiers to be the one trick pony that folks made them out to be, and think the Trem is the most versitile of it's era.

Good luck
Kiss My Axe said:
The Tremoverb seems like a good option, considering it has a channel for each of the tones you mentioned. :)

If you decide to go with that, I'd snatch the one that's on ebay right now. They don't come around too often, it took a while for me to find mine.

Hey man, I remember when you were looking high and low for your TOV and I remember when you got it.

I meant to ask you in about 10 threads now, what do you think of it now that you ahve had some time to settle in?
jman7272 said:
Hey man, I remember when you were looking high and low for your TOV and I remember when you got it.

I meant to ask you in about 10 threads now, what do you think of it now that you ahve had some time to settle in?

I love it, it does everything I need it to do. I much prefer it to the Mark III I had before it.
Kiss My Axe said:
RR said:
For the Trem-o-Verb, for your use, you would rarely use the Red Channel Modern Hi Gain. The other modes channel maybe useable.

He said he wants a good Tool and Incubus sound, which is what the Modern channel specializes in. I should also mention that Mike Einziger of Incubus has used a Tremoverb in the past (Science through Morning View).
:oops: ... yeah, I kind of glance read / the post and saw jargon Bassman, SRV/Hendrix not realizing Tool and Incubus was also mentioned ... my bad.

Boy, you guys really confirm how much I appreciate my ToV.

Exception of Red Channel Hi Gain mode, the Maverick works pretty much the same principle as a ToV minus the Tremolo and Clonning. They sound a bit different (Class A 33 watt -vs- 100 watt w/ 6L6s ) but I would think their preamp section very similiar.

I play Blues, Classic Rock and at the time the ToV was MESA's top-of-the line amp ('94[?]) the salesperson who was attending me when I was trying out the ToV told me: "For your style, I would recommend the Maverick. I had a ToV but it was too loud for my band not to mentioned for rehearsal."

Then I said: "Yeah, but my town many have are Marshall stacks, and you know how that goes, the louder you plan, the better you are. So thus Trem-o-Verb it is."

I still want to get a Maverick one day. :? I know, E-Bay, Craiglist ...

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