Tremoverb head tone differences: How much variance?

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May 15, 2020
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Just bought a second Tremoverb on a whim and was blown away how much better it sounds than my current one. I'm not sure the age of the tubes in the new one I just got but its all Mesa brand tubes. My other has non Mesa in the power and rectifier section and not sure about the preamp. The tone differences are noticeable without using the rectifier tubes - using the silicon.

Could tubes be that big of a factor? I had read about the LDR issues these amps had but from what I understand about the LDRs: they would affect the switching of the amp and not the tone, right? That is, if certain switches and functions were not working or would work intermittently, that would be a cause of the LDRs but a darker/not as full tone isn't dependent on the LDRs. Does that sound accurate ?
I have Singles, RoVs (and a Dual Rev G ).

Each of my amps ( excluding Rev G ) have a different flavor. It's the same for a few of my matching Marshall heads.

From what I've gathered, no two amps coming off the line are identical ( let alone the year produced ) due to slight variations in the circuity. Same scenario for ODs, dist pedals, etc.

Enjoy that TVerb! One of the amps I've always wanted to try.
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Preamp tubes make a big difference in Rectos in general, and RoVs and ToVs most of all because there's a bigger sweep of medium gain before you get into serious saturation. You have a chance to actually hear the character of the tube in V1 or V2 instead of just how much gain it has.

ToVs also crank out an unholy amount of bass at battle volume so power tube choice matters more than it does on a Single or MWDR.

So I'm saying it's probably tubes. Try swapping a few back and forth between them and see what you hear!

@Neptical yeah man, if you like Rectos the ToV is just so nice. Unbelievably versatile, and of course it's alt-rock in a box. (It chugs for sure but doesn't djent without a lot of help.) Like your rev g dual it is definitely a 90s big boy amp experience though, zero concessions to home recording/bedroom volume/etc...
I found the TOV Does metal pretty well. Djent...I guess it depends but I have a TS9 I built and a TC preamp like the Fortin 33 is based off of and that helps push it.

Well I'll see what I can do about the older one to see if I can make it sound better. Would it be more preamp tube than power amp? If I'm going to sell it I don't want to drop to much money on it.

I'm glad I bought this other one as it slays.
@beedoola you should just try swapping all the tubes over from the "better" one into the "worse" one and see if they sound the same, then you'll know.

edit: nvm you said they're both heads
Tubes can make a difference. Also, component drift can as well. One may need new electrolytic capacitors.

The Tremoverbs can have 25 to 30 years on them at this point with very little maintenance.