Tremoverb FX Loop Questions

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Well-known member
Boogie Supporter
Oct 1, 2005
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Maui Wowee!
I love the tones on my Tremoverb.
I love my G-Major 2.
They don't seem to get along though.

When I use the G-Major 2 in the Loop of my DC-10 (with Series Loop mod), it is pure heaven!
When I use the G-Major 2 in the Loop of my Tremoverb, it sounds like ass....

I thought it was the parallel loop, so I modded it to Series. But, it still clips my cleans.
I have the Send Level at 9:00 and it kills all of the amp's tone and still clips the G-Major's inputs on the clean channel.

There is no Mix pot now.

I am giving serious thought to converting the Tremoverb's Loop to the same circuit as the DC!

Anybody have any luck using the Loop on their Tremoverb or Rectifier with the G-Major 2? With any processor for that matter?

Another thing that I noticed is that the Loop Active Master will only let the amp get to the same volume as a 5 watt amp with the Send Level pot at 9:00.
This is kind of cool for bedroom jamming, but there is no way I will use it with the band like this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!
(Edit now I've checked mine)

Unity gain on the Send knob with the loop on and the Loop Active Master dimed seems to be at about 9.30 (10 o'clock at the most, it's hard to judge the position of that little dot!), but it's very sensitive - cutting it to 9 o'clock results in not being able to get anywhere near the full volume range, as you've found.

I wonder why you need to have it that low though? I use only pedals in the loop, some with low headroom, and I can keep it out of clipping with the Send a lot higher than that - and the channel master full up.

Modded to series it shouldn't be an issue with phase or feedback through the Mix pot either...
Vitor Gracie told me that he has the same issue with his Tremoverb, but that the loop on the Roadster he used to own was very nice.
They are fairly similar, but the Send pot on the Roadking (don't have a Roadster drawing) is 100k, where the T-Verb is only 25k.
I might try converting the loop to the Roadster's loop 1st.

Otherwise, I just might rebuild the whole thing. The loop that is on the DC's and the Mavericks has a solid state driver. So...even though it sounds stellar, it is out of the question.
I will have to do a little more research!

Thanks 94Tremoverb!
:lol: I think I found the key....somewhat anyway!

Here are my settings:
Send Level on amp all the way up.
Clean channel Master at 9:30
Clean channel Gain at 12:30
Loop Active Master 9:30 to 10:00

G-Major 2 settings:
Input dial on front 8:30
Output dial on front 1:30
Preset level anywhere from -6 to 0db
Global In -4db
Global Out 0db
Input type - Consumer
Killdry - OFF (since the loop is Series now)

So far, it is sounding ok. The cleans clip way faster than the distorted tones probably due to the compressed nature of the distortion channel.

I will give it a little more time and see if I still like it. Guess I just got really spoiled with the DC-10's loop. It was so easy to level out the volume and inputs.