Tremonti PRS vs Petrucci Music Man

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2006
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Has anyone ever had the chance to play both of these guitars? If so, what are the strengths and weaknesses of each. How would you compare them. I have a Roadster head and these 2 guitars are on top of my list. I play hard rock but not screamo metal.

completely different beasts. Different neck joints, different dimensions, different pickups, different head shapes, different body shapes.

The only things they have in common is that they are guitars. The Tremonti is more Les Paul like while the Petrucci is more of a superstrat.

Go play them.
pet all the way. i was a hardcore fan of prs until i luckily picked up a jp one day when i was actually going to pick up a custom 24. the jp is so much better
I played my friends JP7 and it was an awesome instument. and the piezos music man use are phenominal too.
I've played a PRS singlecut and a Petrucci music man. PRS pickups in the singlecut were nice and brute; not as bright as Burstbuckers since PRS' can be a little muddier/bassy (in a good way, love my McCarty). I can tell you that the Tremonti obviously caters to his sound but I've read things around from Paul himself about the singlecuts how they're all kind-of out to cater to the big rock bands around just like Alterbridge etc. As far as the JPMM, I've also played it like I said and its got a very thin nice smooth neck. you can tell i don't know real specs. about guitars but more just feels, and the Petrucci is cool. Got the piezo on it. The action was a little high for my liking on it and seemed a little too high for being a shredder's guitar, and the Bridge pickup seemed way too low. The pickup switch is also not as on the go but then, has the singlecut (read: Les Paul) pickup switch ever been easy? The JP has good reach on it though, most likely better than the SC with its 24 frets I think and very deep cutaway on the super thin neck. It's almost like a trapezoid taper on the neck, little squareish but comfy.
The neck on the EBMM petrucci model felt like a pop sickle stick to me. Very tiny and thin. Plus I am not big on poplar bodies.
cisspcism said:
The neck on the EBMM petrucci model felt like a pop sickle stick to me. Very tiny and thin. Plus I am not big on poplar bodies.

:? The JP is made of Basswood not Poplar...

I LOVE my JP guitar! It's perfect in every way. It comes down to personal taste as to which you prefer though. Go play them if possible!
MusicManJP6 said:
:? The JP is made of Basswood not Poplar...

and the JP BFR's are made of Alder with book matched maple top and mahogany Tone Block........................
As has been said, totally different guitars.

The JP6 w/ piezo is extremely versatile and the trem is absolutely amazing on it. There's no locking nut and the thing stays in tune like you wouldn't believe even after very drastic bends. Tremonti def has a LP type vibe to it, very fat and smooth. I really dig the Tremonti treble pickup too.

Either will sound great with the roadster, you just need to play them both and figure out which one is more up your alley.
One of the most significant differences is the JP6 has a factory fitted compensated nut, which make a huge difference in the intonation. The JP6 is very versatile and the piezo trem bridge is exceptionally comfortable for palm mute tech.

I personally find the thin neck the most comfortable I have played to date, and this guitar has cured my gas almost completely, I am down to 5 guitars from about 20 a few months ago.

I highly recommend spending as much time as possible with each guitar before you make your decision.
kingster911 said:
The action was a little high for my liking on it and seemed a little too high for being a shredder's guitar, and the Bridge pickup seemed way too low.

I tried on just for feel acoustically and the action was awesome as in low with no buzzing. Must be a set up thing. I instantly wanted one.
I agree, crisis, if a JP has too high action then it is a setup issue. They are setup almost perfectly from the factory so if it has strayed from that enough to have 'high action' then you must have played it at a Guitar Center! :lol: They are notorious for having too many nice guitars and not enough good techs to keep them all setup correctly.
One of the things I like about the JPs is the ease of setup. Everything is very easily accessible and you can adjust everything needed to do your own setup in a few minutes. I check everything each time I change the strings, as I do not have a perfectly climate controlled environment.
I do the same with mine, Kazak. They are super easy to keep maintained. I actually have a BFR on the way so i'll be joining the club VERY soon! It is a Tobacco Burst JP6 BFR and it SHOULD be in my hands next week. That's what my dealer told me anyway. I've been waiting for it for almost 5 months!! I can't freakin' wait to see/hear/play it!!!
Man, a five month wait would have killed me. I am kicking myself that I sold my regular JP6 (lave pearl loaded), as I think these are the best value for money guitar you can get. The action on my BFR is insanely good and it was also on the one I sold.

The factory fitted compensated nut, which they don't even mention in any advertising is a huge plus too. I have a strobe tuner and the intonation is as close as you can possible get. The guy I sold my other one to called me and raved for 20 mins. about the action, said he had no idea that it could be that good. But I must admit I am an action freak, my JEM and Fly are also have spectacular action, but the BFR is my go to.

I really think we owe great thanks to the Master (Mr. Petrucci) for spending the time to do all the research for us, both in guitars and amps. A BFR into a Mark IV causes me to stay up long past my bedtime most nights. Long live Mr. Petrucci the BFR and the Mark IV!
jhguitar1 said:
Has anyone ever had the chance to play both of these guitars? If so, what are the strengths and weaknesses of each. How would you compare them. I have a Roadster head and these 2 guitars are on top of my list. I play hard rock but not screamo metal.


I like both of these guitars, but what the other guys have stated on here already is right, they are quite different. I really like the look of the tremonti PRS because it's a little different than the super strat style I have too many of. If I see one in a store or on Ebay for a reasonable price, I might be tempted to buy it. (Anecdote: isn't the Tremonti the guitar that started a little copyright battle with Gibson because they looked too much like the Les Paul. I just remember that you couldn't get them for a while)

Anyway back on point, you're probably going to find a much higher concentration of Petrucci fans and EDMM owners on here just because of the nature of the forum. And because JP is awesome. I think you'll find that the Petrucci model is more technologically advanced compared to most guitars, and therefore offers greater value and versatility. All things being equal, the Petrucci is probably better.

Any idea as to cost difference? Since the Tremonti is a PRS, it's going to cost a bit more right off the bat. But, I actually still like it. Definitly try them both, if the PRS is for you, I don't think you'll be kicking yourself later. It's a pretty cool guitar too.

Keep us updated.
I personally find the thin neck the most comfortable I have played to date said:
+1000 here. I have never played, or owned a guitar I liked more than my JPMM 6 string. Comfortable, versatile, just overall the perfect instrument, for should really play both and see what fits you best.
Funny coincidence, I was just notified of another post here, as I just unpacked my new JP7 which arrived this morning. I have never had a 7 string before, but my BFR is so **** good to play, I could not resist trying a 7.

I have been banging away on it through the RoadKing for the last hour or so and it is killer. Same thin neck profile as the 6 just wider and holy smokes does it chugg! Much easier than I thought to play with an extra string.

Plugged it into the Axe FX Ultra with the piezo through one amp and the mags through another, all in glorious stereo, talk about a huge sound. Needless to say I am one happy camper.

So, jhguitar did you ever decide which guitar?

JP Rules![/img]

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