Trade in amps at Music store?

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
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I know Guitar Center has some used amps around me, i was curious anyone know if they purchase used gear? If so anyone have dealing in terms of price etc?

I'm looking to hopefully sell/trade my in new condition dual recto 3 channel head and 4x12 recto cab, for a Roadster combo(I just can't lug a 4x12 around anymore!)
don't sell your amp or guitar to Guitar Center unless you are desperate for money. They'll give you as little as possible. Unless the dealer is fair, they'll try to rip you off and give you a story they are having a hard time selling Boogie or any guitar or amp you are planning to sell to them.

Try to sell your amp on consignment (local music shop - they'll take 20% off the top), Craiglist, E-Bay ...

I know there's some honest boutique shops where they'll give you a fair price for it, but those are far and few. One of my friend was trading in his Blue Angel plus cash because he wanted a pre-CBS Black Face Fender Twin, the boutique store had for sale. The shop realizing they could easily resale the Blue Angel took the fair market value but 20% off (assumed consignment) while my friend paid the balance. But that was an small honest boutique shop.
Yah i figured as much with the big chains. Now i gotta find a decent place around here (South jersey) and see what's up.

I'm warry of selling over $2,000 worth of gear on craigslist though, and ebay KILLS you with fees, you would lose 100's off the sale. Ugh
You're better off selling over the internet (head) or locally (head or cabinet). A trade or consignment is really only good if you're desperate or have more money than sense (aka rich).

Keep in mind that shipping and packaging (extremely important) can be a bit costly but let the buyer pay for that.
taylor414rce2003 said:
nothing wrong with CL just dont take any checks , cash only ,and have a freind or 2 with you during the sale

+1 a friend of a friend got mugged off of CL a while back. It's rare... but it can happen. I would have at least 1 other person with you or do the transaction in a public place.
The GC in my area offered me $700 cash $850 trade last year for my 85 MkIII black dot fully loaded. I didn't take him up on it but I thought that was fair.
don't sell to them. they give like 60% of what it is going for on ebay
so sell it on ebay!!!
You could check and see if you have a local MusicGoRound in your area. They do a bit better than GC depending on their current inventory.
back a while ago I was in a tight spot for some cash and sold my halfstack to GC. It was a Single Rectifier and an Avatar 4x12. They gave me $700 for all of it. I wasn't very happy but I needed the money desperately to pay rent. Then on my way home I got in a car wreck and total'd my car.

"If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all"
Turumbar82 said:
back a while ago I was in a tight spot for some cash and sold my halfstack to GC. It was a Single Rectifier and an Avatar 4x12. They gave me $700 for all of it. I wasn't very happy but I needed the money desperately to pay rent. Then on my way home I got in a car wreck and total'd my car.

"If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all"

that should teach ya, selling a boogie for next to nothing causes car wrecks. if you wouldve kept the amp the wreck probably wouldnt have happened.
RJ2213 said:
Turumbar82 said:
back a while ago I was in a tight spot for some cash and sold my halfstack to GC. It was a Single Rectifier and an Avatar 4x12. They gave me $700 for all of it. I wasn't very happy but I needed the money desperately to pay rent. Then on my way home I got in a car wreck and total'd my car.

"If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all"

that should teach ya, selling a boogie for next to nothing causes car wrecks. if you wouldve kept the amp the wreck probably wouldnt have happened.

You are 100% correct!
Before I sold my Roadster, I considered trading/selling it to Guitar Center. One of the salesmen there, who I know well and trust, told me they look to make ~30% off what they buy it from you for...which meant that I wasn't going to get what I wanted.

I think the best option is to go to eBay and if you really don't want to ship..offer local pick up may be harder to sell...but but it probably will. Craig's list is still a bit shady and people can be flaky with regard to finishing a sale.
I had purchased a used Fender Blues Jr. for GC. It had problems and they said that they'd fix it. It came back marred, and it still had problems. I won't go that route again, but I already gave my opinion of GC on another thread.

Just about any music store that takes trades or buys used gear will offer less than what you'd get on the street. They're in business to make money. They also get their fees when you go the consignment route.

Craigs List with local pickup is a pretty good way to go on gear, especially bulky or expensive to ship stuff. E-bay will get their percentage with sellers, which just went up. So you'll have to figure in their cut, and add in the shipping cost to the buyer.
Guitar Center example:

I went in a couple months ago to buy a Peavey 6505+ Head ( I know huge mistake but don't remind me) and I took it back in just yesterday to try and trade it in or just get some cash to go towards a Mesa Cab. I know for a fact from dealing directly with the manager that they have a pawn brokers license so of course they are going to offer bare minimum on all equipment. Anyways I figured it was worth a shot so I took the amp in and keep in mind that I paid $1100 for the amp 2 months ago. The amp is in great condition, I played it for about 2 weeks before I put it right back in the box and started my search for the Mark IV. I take it in hand it to the guy and he asks what I want out of it. I told him I wanted an even trade on a Mesa Cab. He comes back offering me $450 and they had one on the floor used that they were selling for $1059.

Needless to say do not sell your equipment to GC. I have come to the conclusion that the only time I will step foot in that store is to buy guitar strings and that is it. I don't like dealing with the vultures on a daily basis. I guess I kinda turned this thread into a thrash on GC but I strongly advise anyone to post equipment on the internet or something before taking it to Guitar Center. I am not really mad, I knew they were going to offer me a stupid low amount but it is kind of frustrating especially when I bought the amp only 2 months ago. I guess that 30 day grace period they give you should be taken advantage of if you don't like something you buy there.
dont do it..... i was strapped for cash and traded in my 2 channel TR which was in excellent condition and sounded unreal with a 4x12 mesa traditional cab and got $900.... i had to take it because of the situation but the ironic thing was i bought that mesa cab from that GC for 800 just a year or so before..... since then i will never trade gear in at a GC.... do it through craigslist or someone on either this forum or something like HC... no money to put it in the classifieds and if you do things right you'll get a fair deal
i found sometimes you can go in the next day and get a better deal! i traded in a flextone cab one day they offered nothing for the cab and head, but the next day i traded just the cab and got the same deal.

On a side note my wife threw a guitar at a sales clerk when she tried to put a guitar on layaway as a present for me. The guys said why should i let you put that on layaway when i can just sell it to someone else. Glad i wasn't there i would have crapped my pants!