Too many "haters"

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Oct 7, 2008
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So, I was on another forum (Harmony Central) and I was reading different posts here and there, while doing this I came across a few topics that infuriated me. I could not believe how so many people hate Mesa amps and would go on and on and on why Mesa sucked compared to their Marshall half stack, Orange, etc. I am sure everyone here has played with many other people who choose to play some amp or another for their specific tone, and what sounds good to them. I know when I first got my Roadster the guys I jammed with were overcome with joy with the sound of my amp, another guitarist like my amp better than his JCM 800! I guess I just don't understand why people have to "one up" everything and put down everybody else's gear.......
Yeah, I see that a lot when I read the Gear Page forum too. If you want to stir something up, just start a thread asking what people think about Mesa amps.
Then sit back and watch the fireworks fly. I don't think I've seen that kind of controversy with any other amp.
Riff Blister said:
Yeah, I see that a lot when I read the Gear Page forum too. If you want to stir something up, just start a thread asking what people think about Mesa amps.
Then sit back and watch the fireworks fly. I don't think I've seen that kind of controversy with any other amp.

+1. i posted a thread for a grab-and-go head and asked about a dc-5. someone politely pointed out that there's no love for mesas on the board. i am still wondering what's wrong with it (the board not the amp).
Riff Blister said:
Yeah, I see that a lot when I read the Gear Page forum too. If you want to stir something up, just start a thread asking what people think about Mesa amps.
Then sit back and watch the fireworks fly. I don't think I've seen that kind of controversy with any other amp.

Gear page is probably the most over the top Mesa hating group I have come across.

It's like they have a competition going on who can hate Mesa more.

I think a lot of it's jealousy (It really flames them when you say that :lol: )

I wouldn't get mad about it.

Mesa's very acurately amplify what you play, so for the hack job guitarist, it can be quite frustrating to hear how bad they suck at guitar :lol: :lol:

In all seriousness, if it aint for them, then that means more for me :D
Those guys think that just because their ss crate amps have built in flangers that they sound better than a handbuilt tube amp. Pitty the fool! We should all go to thair forum and start some ****. Ask if they want to compare sound clips and what-not. :twisted:
The other guitar player in the band I'm in is a professed gear snob. A Bogner/ VHT owner. He will rarely give my Mesa the time of day.
He's a great guy so he 's polite about it. It cracks me up though when people come up to look at my Stiletto all the time to ask me questions about it.
I can see him standing there alone by his Shiva kind of fuming a little bit. :lol:
To me it's kinda like the middle school girl thing goin on. She likes this boy but she doesn't want to show it so she's mean as hell to him. They want what they can't have, be it by price or availability in their area, so they bash the sh|t out of it.
Never really checked out those boards. Guess I have a reason not to now.

Sounds like a combination of all of the above, to me. :?
Harmony Central is full of mouth breathers posting "funny" internet pictures and saying "pwned". The level of discourse at The Gear Page is a lot higher, but 90 percent of them are Dumble snobs with too much spare money. There were recently not one, but two threads consisting of arguments about whether PTP was better than PCB construction, each one dozens of pages long. There was also a thread full of people swearing up and down that the tone of their amp improved when they started using a $200 boutique power cable. It's really unbelievable.
R_ADKINS80 said:
To me it's kinda like the middle school girl thing goin on. She likes this boy but she doesn't want to show it so she's mean as hell to him. They want what they can't have, be it by price or availability in their area, so they bash the sh|t out of it.

That's hilarious! Good analogy...
imho, hc is full of kids who thinks they have the best gear and all the rest is crap while tgp is full of cork sniffers with loads of money who thinks that more cost = better gear. ymmv of course and guess what? i am a member of both forums. striking a balance eh?

fwiw, the net needs more moderate forums like the sdug forum and the boogie board seemed like a nice place as well considering i am only 11 posts old and probably too young to judge.
I question the validity of a persons comments when they haven't actually owned, or even used a piece of hardware. Be it guitars, or cars, or computers or games, whatever. Online, a great many people pose as owners, but I doubt the truth of their claims.

Instead of playing the one-ups-man-ship game, people should just be playing. For some reason it is easier to say "I don't like that" then, "Hey that's cool, this is what I do." Celebrate the fact that we are a community of musicians, and hopefully, we are all looking for our unique sound.
Mungo Zen said:
I question the validity of a persons comments when they haven't actually owned, or even used a piece of hardware. Be it guitars, or cars, or computers or games, whatever. Online, a great many people pose as owners, but I doubt the truth of their claims.

true that. i believe one should only post if they have the experience in that gear in contention. doesn't matter if you own, owned or simply played with it. as long as you "experienced" it.
There are a lot of good people on those forum.

I would recommend ignoring or having fun with the HATERS.
I myself like almost all the tube amps for what they are.
It is only a matter of taste. :mrgreen:

I see the HATERS as silly funny people.
I almost feel sorry for them.
What a pathetic way to live.
Whoopysnorp said:
Harmony Central is full of mouth breathers posting "funny" internet pictures and saying "pwned". The level of discourse at The Gear Page is a lot higher, but 90 percent of them are Dumble snobs with too much spare money. There were recently not one, but two threads consisting of arguments about whether PTP was better than PCB construction, each one dozens of pages long. There was also a thread full of people swearing up and down that the tone of their amp improved when they started using a $200 boutique power cable. It's really unbelievable.


I could not believe the PCB vs. PTP thread. That was ridiculous.

I posted about a $25 set of Dragonfire pickups I bought a while ago. NOBODY replied to the thread. You can bet your *** if it was a $300 set of WCRs or Lollars going in a $6000 Strat copy through a Dumble clone, there would be 30 pages of replies.

There was a thread about "hi-fi" fuses when I first joined TGP. People were dropping $50 on this fuse. :roll:
$50 for a _uckin fuse? Tell them I have a whole crate of those things that Id be willing to sell them. Right along with my custom, gormet, hi-fi, boutique string winders and pickholders!
yeah nothing but a bunch of pre pubescent KIDS over there who have nothing better to do and have NO life except the im their little friennds on the internet...

how pathetic !
boogieslayer said:
yeah nothing but a bunch of pre pubescent KIDS over there who have nothing better to do and have NO life except the im their little friennds on the internet...

how pathetic !
says the guy talking to his internet friends. :lol:
BoogieBoarders: have we not too become "haters" by our participation in a thread about "haters"? Have we been unknowing & unbeknownst to us sucked into their game of hate? Hmmmm :lol:
says the guy talking to his internet friends.

i actually have a life nub.... :twisted:

BoogieBoarders: have we not too become "haters" by our participation in a thread about "haters"? Have we been unknowing & unbeknownst to us sucked into their game of hate? Hmmmm

not really....we are merely commenting on a sad situation in another forum :mrgreen: