To all Mark III RED stripe users (w/ pics) -> c30 mod

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Active member
Mar 26, 2009
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Hello everybody,

I am going to perform the c30 mod on my Blue stripe (yes, Blue), and before I open the amp I want to collect as more information as I can. That´s why I would like to know some specific cap values of the Red stripes, cause their LEAD tone is known as being the closest to the IIC+ from the III´s line, and ´cause... I am just curoius to know what´s there. :)

The following pic was sent to me by a Red stripe user. Unfortunately, I lost the contact with him and was never being able to obtain those values of his amp. I marked in yellow the caps I am interested in and will appreciate your help to know the correct values:

These are 5 and are basically:
1. the input bright cap
2. c27
3. c30
4. c31
5. the green one coming out from pin7 of the V3 tube

If you know any particular differenece in values between the Blue and Red stripe, I am courious enough to know. :wink:

Thank you very much for your time and help! They are much appreciated.

P.S. For everyone looking for the c30 mod you can read more on this topic:
Really nobody has a couple of minutes to check and share those Red stripe values?

Please, thank you!
I would love to help, but I had a tech mod my red stripe a few months ago as per some other posts on this forum (the III+ mod) and this changed the C30, as well as a couple of other caps. fwiw the mod was well worth it.
Here ya go.
All look orig solder so I'm expecting all were installed at factory build.
Input bright: "121" = 120pf ( I note most schematics list 180pf)
C27: "100, 1KV" = 100pf at 1000v rating
C30: "501K, 1KV" = 500pf at 1000v rating
C31:" 121, 1KV" = 120pf at 1000v rating

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