Tips for EQ'ing dual rec.

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2006
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I am having some problems getting a tight and easy to play through sound. Any tips/settings?
You could elaborate a little more, but I will add this... Increased mids will give the sensation of stiffer strings!
It depends on if you have the 2 or 3 channel amp. If it sounds muddy, back off of the bass.

For a dirty channel, try this, put it in the modern setting, dial in you gain at about 2 o'clock treble at noon, mids at about 7:30, and the bass at about noon-1:00. If it sounds al ittle muddy, dail in the presence at around noon to 3 o'clock. That will give you a pretty radical sound. nice chunk for palm muting
What I'm using at the moment...and Jbird is right, let us know what sound your aiming for: If all else fails, look at the settings database

My Ch 3 - modern

FX loop - on/footswitch
FX loop knobs on the back
Send - about 10:00 or so
Mix - noon

Pres - noonish
Master 11:00
Gain - 2:00 or so

Bass - 11:00
Mids - 11:00 - 12:00
Treb - 1:00

Output - whatever is loud enough for you.

I use that with an ibanez 7 string / stock pickups & 2 Recto standard 4x12's. Turn the gain back to get more of a grind sound if you want.
Ok I'll try it...part of it might be that I havent been able to turn in up past 9 on the master. And it is the 3 chn dual.
That's exactly doesn't really wake up till that point.....maybe you should consider an attenuator.
Higher Presence settings can render the buzz! I keep mine lower (around 9:30), and season the high end with the Treble knob (around 1:00). The Presence control can also affect the Bass response! I keep my Bass around Noon. For a nasty, aggressive sound, some will lower the Treble, while increasing the Mids and Presence, totally heinous! I like my Mids pretty nuetral, say 10:30!
Well for the sound I am just looking for something more "punchy" and that has some largness to it.

My set up it simple


and theres a cry baby below.
Try pushing the amp more....that is when the punchiness comes out. When I play me recto low, it is very unresponsive and almost as if lacking gain.

When playing low, having to keep the volume low, I also boost the recto with an OD.....I don't add any gain or drive, but it wakes it up! Maybe give that a try!

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