Time traveled back to the 80s

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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2008
Reaction score
Central Texas
Well I was saving for a Triaxis but couldn't pass up an MP-1 classic in pretty good shape. Guess the Triaxis will have to wait a few more months. LoL

The first preamp I ever owned was a standard MP-1. Unfortunately, I could only run it through a solid state power amp - the ol' Hafler G150. LoL And believe it or not, it rocked!

I was lucky enough to recently score a Mesa 295 and cannot wait to hear this ADA running through it.

Anybody running the MP-1 classic?
Not for a long time. I had one back in the early 90's, I really liked the tone, but for some reason it had a delay of almost a second switching between channels?. I tollerated it for a while but ended up selling it after a few months. It is funny because now a lot of people are after it and I have never heard of anyone else having the same problem, or at least not complaining about it. Mabey it was the unit itself, I guess I will never know.
It should sound good with the 295.
Not running the classic, but an original MP-1 in current setup.
I will always own one,(or more)whether using it or not ( I tend to change rig setups like underwear) :D