Time to retube the Roadster

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Aug 20, 2012
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Time for tubes. I put JJ's in my Mark V and found them to be a nice (albeit subtle) upgrade. Curious what others have used as far as tubes for Roadster? What have you had good luck with?
edub said:
Time for tubes. I put JJ's in my Mark V and found them to be a nice (albeit subtle) upgrade. Curious what others have used as far as tubes for Roadster? What have you had good luck with?
Welcome to The Board.

Are we talking preamp tubes or power tubes?

BTW- The current Mesa 12AX7 is a JJ. If your MKV is a 2009 or later model, chances are you replaced JJ's with JJ's.

Thanks, much appreciated!

It's pre '09. Think I'm going to do both. May just be my ears but starting to feel a little flat and the same was true for the Mark V, really seemed to blossom after the change. JJ's weren't terribly expensive, curious what others have tried first hand and liked.

Also been thinking about getting some mods done - I've seen some from FJA and Voodoo - any other suggestions for reputable mods?
I still like the older Mesa Russian 2s. Unfortunately the cathode follower positions puts more stress on those valves, and they might fail. So far they are still working fine on my Roadster. I recommend Winged C 6L6s in the poweramp section though... 8)