Thiele Question - got em, take a look

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
Reaction score
I'm interested in getting a thiele, but the speaker thing has got me a bit confused??????????????????????????

From what I have read here, the EVM12L is the cream of the crop. I see thieles labeled (EV loaded) is that the speaker or is it a different type of EV? could it be labeled Black Shadow and still be the EVM12L? How do I know what I'm looking at?

Also, are there different types of Thiele's? open back, closed back, ported???? and what is the difference?

Thank for the input.
There is only one Thiele and it refers to a specific design which has a closed back and front side port.

If it mentions EV loaded, then it comes equipped with either a Black Shadow EV or OEM EV. The difference being, Mesa branded "Black Shadow" or, no label "OEM", Original Equipment Manufacturer.
They would both be EVM 12L's

hope this helps
Mesa makes there own version of the thiele. Although it is front ported and dimensioned like the EV thiele, it is constructed differently. EV uses a cleating system throughout thier cab where as mesa does not. Both are closed back.
Thanks.... Someone local just offered me 2 EV loaded thieles, black tolex (they don't say black shadow) for $500.00 in great condition. Is this a good deal or about average. I'm thinkin I'll keep one and sell the other.
What do I need to look at to make sure they are The EVM12L's.. he said one has a sticker and the other doesn't.
Boogie called their version of the EVM 12L "Black Shadow", as well as their Celestion C-90, so confusion often follows.
The un-stickered back should look like this.

(The numbers may be different, but I'm pretty sure they all start with "812") The connectors should be black and red push-on types. The cabs should weigh 40-45 lbs.
If it's old-style, with chrome corners and all, you may get $400 for one on eBay.
Alright Guys... I picked them up last night. Both are in Great condition. Check out the pics for me..I still need to clean em up a bit. They are Identical but take a look at the speakers for me. One has the sticker and looks brand new, the other looks alike but looks a bit older with faded writing (still says it's an EV12L.... Is there any difference? the one with the sticker says
series II ???

Also any comments on the thiele's would be great, any idea on dating them and is there any difference in these metal corner one's vs. leather corners. Iv'e seen other logos on some too???

Thanks for all the help!





First time uploading pics.... how do I make them a little smaller? I went through photobucket.

Looks good , Not bad for 5 bill's .

Are you whacking those puppy's with a head or a combo ?
I find 1 with my combo to be an outstanding wee stack .

Not quite the roar of a 4x12 ; But **** ..
I should shut up right now the missus' is over my shoulder .... :D
Metal corners are older than leather.
"Series II" speaker may not be "official" Boogie EV, but the sound is what counts, although the EV with the Boogie sticker would fetch more if you sold it.
Excellent score! Prepare to kill 4x12 cabs with impunity!
Big is better. Photos, that is.
gts said:
jzerza said:
First time uploading pics.... how do I make them a little smaller? I went through photobucket.

make them smaller with your photo viewing/ editing software before uploading to photobucket. photobucket has an edit tool but I don't know if it can resize pics

Yes, you are able to resize them in the photobucket editor. (I do that.)

You got a great deal too! Those are a good find.
Thanks guys...
They actually both weighed in at 42.5 lb's each. I'll be stacking my DC-3 combo on one of them and can't wait to try it out, won't be able to really open it up until Monday though. I'll let you know how it goes and post a pic of the pair of them as soon as I finish cleaning them up. Probably going to sell one of them soon ---- my wife will want to know why on earth do I need another speaker cabinet when my little old amp is already freakin loud... If I try to keep 2 cabinets, I'll be sent to some kind of Mesa Boogie addiction counseling! ... gotta keep a happy home!
OK... Hooked them up and WOW.... Absolutly Huge! Now, help me decide which one I should keep. They sound alike to me, I spoke with customer service at EV (useless) any comments on which speaker would be a better one to keep, or does it relly not matter?????
Older looking one with no sticker or the one that looks brand new and has a series II sticker?

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