The rectifier preamp

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2005
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at the grid between anode-cathode
Hello does anybody knows about the rectifier preamp??? Anyone who have tested it for a direct line recording. Is it good for a direct recording???
For the moment I use a pod to directs recording but if a recto preamp could sounds like a real rectifier into an amp I will push the pod through my window.
All the analog emulates of miking cabinets sounds so bad, even the triaxis recording outputs... :cry:
I like it for the direct recording. Take these as you dare, rofl
^Bored one day at lunch. lol... all of it is Recto Pre. Primarily the neck position (DiMarzio PAF-7) on MODERN mode and one of the clean modes. Some DD-5 delay on the cleans.

Not sure what to make of the playing of the rest of these below, but I have the following didley's online I did with a friend (nothing special; he did one track, I did one track; just random messing around while watching Simpsons and South Park lol).
^MODERN mode for both tracks (one track "rhythm", one "lead"; lead is running Boss Phaser).
^Two tracks; one (rhythm) running VINTAGE mode, other ("lead") running RAW mode. Takes a little more structure 20 seconds in lol
^We did chorus riff for "Dirty"... I was panned 100% one way, he was panned 100% the other, don't remember which.
^Also decided to do a quick cover of this new song (Hypocrites), same riff through most of it, but was still fun to lol. I'm panned hard right, he's panned hard left; we go off for the intro but are otherwise synced up well through most of it. Only effect we used was a whammy pedal (XP-100) for some wah/octave stuff. We accidently left the song as a track when we exported, so you can still slightly hear vocals and drums, but they were down about -24db.

The following is an idea I had floating around some months ago but never got around to finishing it or getting another friend to do the vocals he wanted to do. My goal was to use every effect I had somewhere in the song, lol

let me jsut say this. it blows f%&# pod away! or any other amp modeler.
Really??????? :shock:
I think that line6 sucks, they have the worst customer service that I had ever seen.
Well the matter is that you can get with your pod and your guitar on a gig while other people is miking the drums, bass, etc you put your pod directly to the mixing desk and goes to speak with girls and drinking a great brugal ( the best ron over the planet ) then when the live start everybody have a great feedback noise while you are as fresh as a baby.
Well if the recto could do the same as the pod: my guitar, the recto and directly to the desk I will through the pod to my dog inmediately
fatboy135 said:
let me jsut say this. it blows f%&# pod away! or any other amp modeler.
Really??????? :shock:
I think that line6 sucks, they have the worst customer service that I had ever seen.
Well the matter is that you can get with your pod and your guitar on a gig while other people is miking the drums, bass, etc you put your pod directly to the mixing desk and goes to speak with girls and drinking a great brugal ( the best ron over the planet ) then when the live start everybody have a great feedback noise while you are as fresh as a baby.
Well if the recto could do the same as the pod: my guitar, the recto and directly to the desk I will through the pod to my dog inmediately

You can use the record outs direct to the PA, but I don't know if you can use record outs and live outs simultaneously.
Hey PUBH, ever used it through a Mark series power section?

Nope. As matter of fact, never played any of the Marks before. Hmm... also never played it through another amp before.

You can use the record outs direct to the PA, but I don't know if you can use record outs and live outs simultaneously.

I'm not sure if you're talking about the POD or the Recto Pre, but assuming it's about the Recto Pre...

You should be able to hook up both of them simultaneously. Hook power amp up to the Pre's LIVE OUTS, and then hook the Pre's RECORD OUTS into the PA. You'll have separate "volume" knobs on the Pre for the record outs and live outs.

Of course, there is a minor "issue"... the Pre features two "voicings", Live Bright and Warm Record. I always use 'warm record' for direct connections, and 'live bright' when to a poweramp. You can use either voicing for either one, but as the name implies, they tend to be better "suited" for different uses.

So if you'll be hooking up both of them, you'll basically need to make a decision. Do I want optimum live tone (to poweramp & to cab), or optimum recording tone (to PA, to mixer, to recording device, etc)?

One side is going to suffer a little, or "not be optimal", when running both outputs like this. So if it's more important to you and your sound for the PA signal to be the best, run the voicing as warm record and play. If it's more important to have the sound from your poweramp & cab to be best, then run it live bright.

You should check out the results of doing it either way to determine how you like it. I've heard of some people who prefer the Pre running live bright for direct recording, etc.

I think that for a simulate you need the record outs that are the outputs that simulate the cabinet. When you connect directly to a desk, you must to use the record output, because they are the simulate ( with the desk connection you haven´t any cabinet )
I think that the live outputs are for connect with an guitar amp like a 2:100
ok I just can use my sound card laptop. Well I´m a bit sad, because I think that mesa achieve to simulate the sound presure level that are in all the guitar recordings :(
In my point of view, I think that the sound is still so thin, it is a fly sound.
I´m agree that mesa cabinet simulate on recto pre is the best I have ever heard with another amps, but... I think that we are still so far to record directly into a desk with a preamp....
So I will use my pod because it is cheaper and sounds so nice directly into desks :(
Ha-... yeah right :D

What were you listening to the demo's through? Frankly... I would say, don't judge it based off listening through a laptop's speakers (typically their frequency range is limited, and all the ones I've ever dealt with are not good at handling bass).

You may just not like my settings as well, lol... Major thing... I practically run presence almost to zero. In my opinion, it makes the sound fuzzier & static-like. But that's just my taste. :D
you are right my laptop is not the best way to hear a recto, I need it here at my home with my 20:20 pumping the el84 watts, in a couple of days I could do all kind of test. Take a note please for the delivery:
Mr Rectotest
rectomania street
:D Please attached some photos of pamela anderson