The Quest.

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2005
Reaction score
Korn's Bakery Brooklyn NY
I have a duet of NOS Mesa Green Label STR 415's on the way. I am now hunting a duet of Blue Label Mesa STR 416 ( 6CA7). If anyone has a tip on the 6CA7's, I am dying to know what a MK IIC+ sounded like when it came from the factory back in 84' or 85' with these stock tubes. I wil gladly post my findings or get my ass away from this I-Mac G-5 and record some clips.

Bong !!!!
Nice score... Where? How much? I have my original str415 blue labels put away, and shove 'em in once in awhile for chugging rhythm playing. In the amp now are 454 & 442. I don't have info on the 416....
ax. :twisted:
Very cool!

Are those old Mesa tubes Sylvania/Phillips 6L6GC's and 6CA7's?

Maybe you could take a pic of them?
The eagle has landed. Two perfect Phillips Mesa Green Label STR-415's. They are very toppy with a nice fat bottom end. I ran them in Simul Class with two GT 6CA7 GE's and I was very pleased. You really have to run the master high to get them going though. To be honest, I would say I like the GT 6L6 GE with the GT 6CA7 GE just as much. Maybe a bit better. I need more tweak time. I have run these amps with a quad of NOS Phillips 7581's and they have way more natural bottom end. Hmmm. I have to try them in the other two MK IIC+s. I used them in the early 7/1984 model.
I'm currently running the str454 & 442 in my simulclass mark III.. I have run GT6CA7GE's in my son's TSL100 with great results..
My question is, of you guys who have have simulclass amps, who runs an EL34, rather than the 6CA7 ? I found the 6CA7 to be somewhat similar to the 6L6's, but the EL34 is of a much different flavor. If some of you have run the EL34, what tube did you use? I use R2 alot now for a marshall crunch, and think that a regular EL34 may suit it better...
ax. :twisted:
I have four Boogies with Simul-Class. In the MK IIC+'s I run one with old stock Svet 6L6 and EL34's. one with the GT 6L6S(JJ) and GT E34L(JJ) and one with the GT 6L6GE and GT 6CA6GE, I run these in the MK IV as well.
The EL34's just add gain and bite whereas the 6CA7's and fullness and smoothness. A reduction in some of the grainyness associated with the highs of an EL34. I also use tubes that draw enought natural plate current to get me out of the cold. The GT GE stuff actually runs at 22ma in a #6 and sounds fantastic. So I understand the bunk about being out of crossover. On most Boogies it does not matter. I hate when a new set of tubes only draw 11ma of bias though. Now they sound like as. The Svets draw 35ma and the GT JJ's in a #7 draw 30ma. they all distictively sound different even in the same amp. I have spend too much time tweaking and interchanging. A good strong Phillips 7581A and the GT 6CA7 GE will make a MK series sound HUGE !!! But that is only if that type of tone is what your looking for. The Svets have the most gain perception and cut. The JJ's are a bit smoother and the GT GE stuff is a good combination of both.

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