Remember that despite your inflated attitude of entitlement, you can't always do whatever you want without complaining. time you're in trouble, don't call a police officer. Since they suck so bad, they must be incapable of helping you, so why don't you just call a crackhead or something.
I have 2 brothers who are cops. Great guys!
But, have you ever considerered that there are some neighbors who are just ******* ******** no matter what you do?
Maybe they don't like the fact that you have teenagers.
Maybe they don't like the fact that your dog is brown or your car is red.
I had a neighbor when I was growing up that was just angry no matter what we did.
She hated my Grandparents because she saw me doing something stupid and told them. I knew that she had gone to them and had the mess cleaned up before my Grandpa got there. far, it's my fault. :lol:
But....the next day, she put a fence across my driveway.
Then, she posted signs so that she could read them. Thus posting No Trespassing signs on our property not hers.
We had an easement for the last 50 years, so her case couldn't hold up in court and she lost.
Now we're getting to the part where it's mostly her fault! Mostly! :lol:
She started sitting on her porch with binoculars and watching everything we did.
She called the cops on the 4th if we had fireworks.
She called the cops if a guest parked 1 inch into her driveway.
She called the cops if a guest backed up into her driveway.
She called the cops if I put up any holiday decorations on the north side of our house where she could see them.
She called the cops when I put up a tiny sign that said "If you can read this, then you are trying to hard." The writing was so small that you had to squint if you were 2" away! :lol: My fault too! :lol:
She called the cops if someone with musical instruments showed up. Even if they were just there to pick me up for practice and the instruments stayed in the truck!!!!!!!!
Finally, after a few months, they stopped coming when she filed a "Complaint."
By then, we knew all of the Sherrif's Deputies in town, and they knew that she was just plain mean or crazy or both.
So...not being one to take that laying down, she started calling them and saying that we were dealing drugs!
Believe me, they came for that one!
We weren't dealing!
By the time this ended, we had our phones tapped, I was under constant surveillance, my truck was followed by a 4 door POS everywhere I went (that turned into a fun game at taxpayer's expense), and the lady generally made our lives a living hell!
To top it off, I was on the phone, looking out the window.
My mom was taking pictures of the lady sitting on her porch with binoculars for our court case. She was also taking pictures of the backs of the No Trespassing signs so that we could state in court that the lady had posted our property and not hers.
The lady and her boyfriend came into our yard and beat my mom up!!!!!!!!
They were gone by the time I got outside or I would have returned the favor!
So......Whether you are a member of Law Enforcement or not......Sometimes the caller is a ******* piece of **** that cannot be reasoned with!
No flames, just facts. You can retort any way you like, but I was there.
Yes, we started it, inadvertently. I didn't mean to piss her off, I was just being a teenager.
Yes, we tryed to reason with her.
Yes, she had a nervous breakdown!