The Police & Mark V

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2009
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I jammed from 8-9pm and stopped at 9 sharp to watch hell's kitchen, and 915, knock on the door. The PIGS!

I own a house damn it! I guess I'll have to move to a farm. :lol:

I was jamming with my jp6, mark V channel 3 iic+ channel master set at 11 oclock and output set at 11 oclock. Loud, but I didn't think the neighbours would be bothered.

Anyway, just thought I'd vent a little. I guess I'll have to move to the basement to do some cranking. :(
As long as you aren't exceeding your town's noise bylaws, continue rocking the **** out. It drives me nuts that loud music or band rehearsal sends people running to call the cops, but the same hypocrites have no problem operating their leaf blowers, mowers, snowblowers, chain saws and motorcycles at the same loud volume OUTDOORS, often early in the morning or late at night.

Next time haul your amp out on the lawn.
:( I tried that argument with the po-po, too. Our town has an ordinance that says it's OK until 10 pm. The fuzz told me that if anybody complained, at any time, they had to shut me down anyways and if I didn't like it I could accompany them downtown!

I ****!ng hate people. All they have to do is call or come over and politely ask you to turn it down and I'm sure most of us would. I hope you know which person called the cops. Revenge is a dish best served with a flaming bag of doggie crap on the doorstep! :lol:
You have the right to find out who your accuser is. The cop is full of ****, they can not arrest you for that. That is just their fall back line when they do not know what they are doing. Could be different where you are.

The last time I was told that I put out my hands and said " go ahead arrest me, but expect me to go after you for false arrest". I would not do this without witnesses. They well lie to cover there ass.

Not a good idea to push your luck either way. Most places have a decibel so many feet from the property thing in place. It is also very common for a quite time thing. 10PM here. I am not sure how you find out. But there is no reason for you not to know what your rights are.

Good luck ....
I would have just said to the police, "I don't know what you are talking about. There hasn't been any loud guitar playing." lol
"I am sorry Officer, I was just baking a cake and making a contribution to my local Feternal Order of Police and never even heard a guitar while i was listening to Beethoven" thats what I ssay LOL
Move to the ghetto. Your neighbors will not call the cops because they do not want them to visit the area, for various reasons :roll: . I try to not play loud after 10pm, just out of courtesy. The last exception to this rule came during a neighbors' backyard party. When I had heard 5 hours of "mexican polka", I introduced them to Black Sabbath, in a loud way. :lol: :lol: :lol: I am now probably known as "EL DIablo".
It's Disgusting. First of all I have a problem with police, and secondly I have a problem with the people who call them. If you can't walk down to your neighbor's house and politely ask them to turn down or whatever, you are obviously a miserable f*ck. Also, It is our right to practice/play as long as we are within the designated decible and time range.

Our band has an issue with this. One past solution was to just lay down, quit, and turn all the amps off... Then we proceeded to scream obsenities through the neighborhood over the PA system :D

**good point about the leaf blowers and lawn mowers and stuff.
atlst7 said:
It's Disgusting. First of all I have a problem with police, and secondly I have a problem with the people who call them. If you can't walk down to your neighbor's house and politely ask them to turn down or whatever, you are obviously a miserable f*ck. Also, It is our right to practice/play as long as we are within the designated decible and time range.

With the master and output both at 11 ... he probably wouldn't have heard a polite knock on the door - LOL
They could have asked me to turn it down and I would have no problem. In fact, if they phoned me (and they know my number as I'm sure I know which neighbour it was) or knocked loudly on my door, I would have stopped instantly. When they phone the piglettes, they have to wait about an hour until they get to my house. It's their loss.

The other problem is my house. It was built in 2007 and you can litterally hear people talking when they are on their driveway if you stand in the right spot in my house. There is about 2m between houses only, so depending on where you're set up, it could be similar to being in an apartment. Kind of lame. Maybe I should by the house on either side of me too then I can crank all day long! :lol:
The best thing to do is go outside the next day with a hammer and some boards. Feign "nailing something together" for several hours. Hit hard, steady and often. Seems construction produces massive amounts of noise that is "justifiable".....and they thought the V was annoying.....
Wanna call the cops? Go ahead.

..."get some"....
I had the same problem when I lived down the street from LAX. As long as you were in tune who cares. I used to be able to sleep with bands tracking in the same room, thats what ear plugs are for. Put a blade in a skill saw backwards and cut plywood at 5 in the morning. See how they like that.
When I was younger we used to practice in a basement in a pretty nice neighbourhood. The houses were 1920-s ish and big, but close together and not soundproof at all. We were moderately loud but not too bad. Anyway, one time we are rehearsing and we've got three girls hanging out. They ask if we mind if they light up a j and for some reason I said "actually, yeah, we've never had the cops show up but you never know." Seriously ten minutes later I am standing with my back to the stairwell and the rest of the band just stops playing. I'm like "what?" and then someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and there's a cop right there-- he says "lady next door says she can't hear her TV... doesn't sound that loud to me but we have to come if we get a complaint..."

He just told us to make sure we wound up by 10PM when the noise bylaw kicks in, then left.

I basically shat myself because probably at least three people in the room were holding, fortunately no one ever smoked in the house so the basement didn't smell like weed or anything (this was like 14 years ago when Canada was less liberal about weed than it is now!)

A few years later a friend explained to me what the cops were doing-- if you don't answer the door but it's unlocked/open, they'll generally let themselves in, and then if they find anything interesting they'll say they "smelled pot" or something giving them pretext to come in. We were just really lucky we'd told our friends nto to light up.

I wish it wasn't true because I have friends who are cops and decent guys, but the fact is that many, many police will flat out make **** up, even on the witness stand, when it comes to pretexts for entry and search.
:lol: :lol: I'm laughing because these are some good solutions!
I'm a contractor so I've got tons of nail guns, saws, hammer drills, etc.
I would just set up a bird house manufacturing line at 5 AM!

Seriously though, I had a neighbor like that. She would actually sit on her porch and look at me with binoculars.
I live 3 miles out of town. The houses are a half an acre apart.
She would call the cops if I farted too loudly.
I used to turn my amp toward her and crank all of the knobs to 10! Make the most awful cat sex noises I could for 10-20 minutes and then sneak out the front door where she couldn't see me leave.
The cops came everytime for the 1st 10 times. After that, nothing.
I had about 5 months of freedom, then she started calling them at random hours of the night and saying that I was dealing drugs. You can bet that they came then!
We just moved back 3 years ago and she's so old now that she can't even hear it when I test drive a 100 watt amp I just souped up.

Anyway, bird houses. Nothing like the sound of a 4" long screw being slowly driven into a thick piece of pine!
Or....Chainsaw Ice Sculpting!!!!!!!!! I bet that sounds groovy! :lol:
What is amazing to me is how these threads always seem to turn in to a referendum against the police. It's simple really. A citizen complains. (justified or not) The police HAVE to respond. They tell you whatever the law indicates. You don't like what they say, so you determine that they are lying to you to hassle you "for no reason". You post on websites bitching about the "pigs".

Wow. Pain in the ass neighbors are a drag. Being a police officer and responding to the complaints of that pain in the ass neighbor is an even BIGGER drag. Listen to someone whine about something that is not the police officer's fault is the BIGGEST drag.

My suggestion: Make peace with the pain in the ass neighbor. Or, do what I did and put up soundproofing. Stop complaining about the police enforcing the laws of your community. If you don't like the laws, talk to your city council/ county board about changing the laws.

Remember that despite your inflated attitude of entitlement, you can't always do whatever you want without complaining. time you're in trouble, don't call a police officer. Since they suck so bad, they must be incapable of helping you, so why don't you just call a crackhead or something.


p.s. let the flame war begin if you must.
My question is why would you need to worry about this with an amp that has a 10 watt mode that sound awesome? You don't need volume, you just need TONE...and thankfully the mark v has so much tone at low volumes, isn't that the easiest solution? Anytime I want to blast I take it to the rehearsal studio...
Remember that despite your inflated attitude of entitlement, you can't always do whatever you want without complaining. time you're in trouble, don't call a police officer. Since they suck so bad, they must be incapable of helping you, so why don't you just call a crackhead or something.

I have 2 brothers who are cops. Great guys!
But, have you ever considerered that there are some neighbors who are just ******* ******** no matter what you do?
Maybe they don't like the fact that you have teenagers.
Maybe they don't like the fact that your dog is brown or your car is red.

I had a neighbor when I was growing up that was just angry no matter what we did.
She hated my Grandparents because she saw me doing something stupid and told them. I knew that she had gone to them and had the mess cleaned up before my Grandpa got there. far, it's my fault. :lol:
But....the next day, she put a fence across my driveway.
Then, she posted signs so that she could read them. Thus posting No Trespassing signs on our property not hers.
We had an easement for the last 50 years, so her case couldn't hold up in court and she lost.

Now we're getting to the part where it's mostly her fault! Mostly! :lol:
She started sitting on her porch with binoculars and watching everything we did.
She called the cops on the 4th if we had fireworks.
She called the cops if a guest parked 1 inch into her driveway.
She called the cops if a guest backed up into her driveway.
She called the cops if I put up any holiday decorations on the north side of our house where she could see them.
She called the cops when I put up a tiny sign that said "If you can read this, then you are trying to hard." The writing was so small that you had to squint if you were 2" away! :lol: My fault too! :lol:
She called the cops if someone with musical instruments showed up. Even if they were just there to pick me up for practice and the instruments stayed in the truck!!!!!!!!

Finally, after a few months, they stopped coming when she filed a "Complaint."
By then, we knew all of the Sherrif's Deputies in town, and they knew that she was just plain mean or crazy or both.

So...not being one to take that laying down, she started calling them and saying that we were dealing drugs!
Believe me, they came for that one!
We weren't dealing!
By the time this ended, we had our phones tapped, I was under constant surveillance, my truck was followed by a 4 door POS everywhere I went (that turned into a fun game at taxpayer's expense), and the lady generally made our lives a living hell!

To top it off, I was on the phone, looking out the window.
My mom was taking pictures of the lady sitting on her porch with binoculars for our court case. She was also taking pictures of the backs of the No Trespassing signs so that we could state in court that the lady had posted our property and not hers.
The lady and her boyfriend came into our yard and beat my mom up!!!!!!!!
They were gone by the time I got outside or I would have returned the favor!

So......Whether you are a member of Law Enforcement or not......Sometimes the caller is a ******* piece of **** that cannot be reasoned with!
No flames, just facts. You can retort any way you like, but I was there.
Yes, we started it, inadvertently. I didn't mean to piss her off, I was just being a teenager.
Yes, we tryed to reason with her.
Yes, she had a nervous breakdown!
Ugh, it seems we're now starting a noise battle of our own. The band i jam with rehearses in the attic of an old house, which admittedly has almost no insulation and the noise does project but we don't play deafeningly loud. We practice once a week, between 6-9 pm...ALWAYS shutting down by 9 or before to be reasonable to the neighbors. It's a mixed residential/commercial neighborhood with a mall across the street and heavy traffic all hours of the day so it's not exactly the kind of place one moves for peace and quiet. A few months ago my buddy, who rents the place had a brief "conversation", which was a borderline altercation with a neighbor who didn't like us and the guy was completely unreasonable and unwilling to comprimise in any way. We offered to change the time and day we practice to suit him, even offereing a weekend afternoon but he wouldn't have it.

So a few weeks ago a cop showed up responding to a complaint and we talked with him and discussed our rights (we have none apparently) but he was cool about it. Told us if we turned down to a reasonable volume nobody would hassle us. Fast forward a couple weeks and another cop shows up threatening us with a $1000 fine :shock: . My buddy talked to his landlord who talked further with the police to find out that virtually EVERYBODY within audible vicinity actually likes us and enjoys hearing us play...the police had gone around and talked with all the neighbors and we're not bothering anybody except the one guy who keeps complaining.

So basically we're **** outta luck it would seem - the local bylaw states that any amplified sound, no matter how loud can be construed as a nuissance and they will ticket us. We can keep turning down but the guy is still going to complain because you can only turn a rock band down so much before it becomes pointless. The only option now is to insulate and soundproof the attic which seems like it's going to be a waste of money and we'll eventually just end up getting ticketed anyways.

**** i hate people sometimes. All i wanna do is make some music but i don't want to push it any further and i certainly don't want to pay 1/4 of a $1000 fine :(

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