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Soloway Swan LN7

Funny you should mention Soloway. Jim's booth was practically right next to the Artinger booth at the Philly guitar show last month. Jim is an awesome builder as well. I have a couple of friends who have custom Soloways that are just over the top. One of them is a Bubinga 7 string!
Yup, that's one pretty sick bird's eye maple (literally :lol: since I'm told by wood experts that it is a sort of wood 'cancer').

How about this one? It has a 1/2" top.
Dersu Uzala said:
Yup, that's one pretty sick bird's eye maple (literally :lol: since I'm told by wood experts that it is a sort of wood 'cancer').

I've heard that about wood as well. It's sad for the trees, but they make gorgeous guitars!
I tend to like my PRS Custom 10 top (I did some work on the electronics/cosmetics). Paul's guitars always catch my eye.


Platypus said:
I tend to like my PRS Custom 10 top (I did some work on the electronics/cosmetics). Paul's guitars always catch my eye.

Sweet Custom 22!!

I have a few of Paul's little beasties myself. None of them are particularly spectacular looking by any means, but they sound fantastic!

Holy cow waxnsteel.... :shock: What's the 3rd guitar (hollowbody with maple top?). All 3 look impressive... Sweet pieces...
Not my guitars. I'm not being a wiseass, here, just trying to help out... If you right-click on a pic, sometimes, you can find out where it comes from. I'd have had to wait a bit longer to find out that those were Myka Guitars had I not clicked on "properties" and found the link to his website, where the pic comes from. Again, not being a wiseass, I found that out by accident, don't know what everybody knows. But I think that guitar has a spruce top. Could be wrong.
waxnsteel said:
Not my guitars. I'm not being a wiseass, here, just trying to help out... Again, not being a wiseass, I found that out by accident, don't know what everybody knows. But I think that guitar has a spruce top. Could be wrong.
Not at all, I'm just awed by figured maple and appreciate beautiful guitars :wink:
2 things

1.) this thread is evil... the amount of drool on my table at the moment is incomprehensible :D

2.) I would have to agree with whoever said that they would not be able to play on these guitars.

Good stuff guys :p

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