The Klon Centaur

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2007
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I am thinking about buying a Klon Centaur, but I've never played one. Anyone played one? What do you think about them?
If at all possible find one and play it!! If not, pull the trigger!! I floundered and waited to try to find one to play, then realized if I buy it new (3 months wait) and don't like it, I can sell it on the bay for more than I paid for it!! Mine will be here next month...
WOW.. Really hard to believe that no one here has a Klon!! :shock: Or at least no one to post a reply to your request.. :?
I'll make sure to let you know how mine works out when I receive it next month.. :D
waassaabee said:
WOW.. Really hard to believe that no one here has a Klon!! :shock: Or at least no one to post a reply to your request.. :?
I'll make sure to let you know how mine works out when I receive it next month.. :D

Good to hear. See if you can get a clip running, because that would rock.
waassaabee said:
WOW.. Really hard to believe that no one here has a Klon!! :shock: Or at least no one to post a reply to your request.. :?
I'll make sure to let you know how mine works out when I receive it next month.. :D

Mark Tremonti has one. I saw it on a YouTube video.
Finnster said:
waassaabee said:
WOW.. Really hard to believe that no one here has a Klon!! :shock: Or at least no one to post a reply to your request.. :?
I'll make sure to let you know how mine works out when I receive it next month.. :D

Mark Tremonti has one. I saw it on a YouTube video.

yeah same. But he doesn't demo it.
steeldragonjovi said:
waassaabee said:
WOW.. Really hard to believe that no one here has a Klon!! :shock: Or at least no one to post a reply to your request.. :?
I'll make sure to let you know how mine works out when I receive it next month.. :D

Good to hear. See if you can get a clip running, because that would rock.
My Klon should be arriving any day, and none to soon as I'm playing a Festival next weekend. But I have noticed a lot of talk about the Klon over on The Gear Page.. no sound clips, but lots of discussion pro and con.
Received my Klon this afternoon, and have been testing out different settings. So far all I can say is WOW!! I see why the other owners I have talked to say "it's hard to explain, it makes your amp .. bigger". No coloration, no noise, no tone sucking, just big phat tone!! The gain I haven't even got past 12:00 yet, but I don't think I need to.. Clean channel is where this bad boy excels (so far).. More to come.
steeldragonjovi said:
I am thinking about buying a Klon Centaur, but I've never played one. Anyone played one? What do you think about them?
I fell asleep in the lab last night to the hum of my lead channel.. I am floored by this device!! It doesn't change your tone at all, even though some think it may need a way to adjust your mids I don't see it. The controls are ever so sensitive revealing the slightest variations as it transforms YOU in to this crazed lunatic. Note articulation and pick attack were placed under the microscope to reveal a transformation of monumental proportion. This is your rig on steroids! Your guitar becomes an aggressive animal tamed by rolling off the volume. Your amp breathes fire with the gain section, while it chimes with the angels when you switch to clean. Big luscious chords fill the air and seem to last forever, you loose track of time and space.
I'm afraid I may take the gain past 12:00 today....
This morning I also discovered that you can use this implement of disorder at those.. "the farking baby is sleeping" volumes. I slipped out to the lab at 7:30 and turned the amp down where you could barely hear it, yet there was still some response, then stomped on the Klon.. even at those low decibels it fattened it up to a tolerable enjoyment level!
The morning wears on and I can't trick this beast, it won't reveal its weak spot. At every adjustment there's remarkable, useful tone. It drives your amp hard if you want, or just gives it that shove when you gotta be heard. I know... single coils!! I'll trick it with single coils.. Fast forward to the Srtat (maple neck w/LS Holy Grails).
The clean channel has suddenly gained some interesting color.. (more acid). The rythym2 has this wonderful old school breakup, and the lead w/EQ is blistering. I pass the Geiger counter over the Klon again... nominal. Go figure.
Stumped, I invoke shutdown.
steeldragonjovi said:
so...uhh...I take it you recommend this pedal.

Can you put sound clips up?
I highly recommend this pedal.
I will see if I can get some clips made this week, even though I don't think it will reveal the true magic..
steeldragonjovi said:
so...uhh...I take it you recommend this pedal.

Can you put sound clips up?
What amp/guitar are you playing and I will try to get something close for the clips..
Here is my rig:

And here is my pedalboard:

I use the KLON on CH3 all the time and a Keeley modded Tube Screamer on CH4 of the Roadster. If I need a ton more meat I will use the KLON on CH4. The Tube Screamer adds mids/cuts bass and the KLON just add everything in a very usable way. Highly reco'd here.

Especially with PRS guitars. The tone is unreal. I also tried it with my Mark IV, but it didn't go well. That amp doeasn't really need an added drive pedal to boost it.
Mark Fore said:
Especially with PRS guitars. The tone is unreal. I also tried it with my Mark IV, but it didn't go well. That amp doeasn't really need an added drive pedal to boost it.
I'm also finding the MkIV doesn't need more drive, but the boost you can get really gets you out in front. You can drive the clean channels to break up a bit, or get real dirty. And I have found useful settings for the lead channels and those over the top situations. I'm still tweaking to find the settings though.. And as far as sound clips.. I've tried a few times to get something representative of what the Klon will do for you, but when I play them back it's just not the sound I hear from the amp. I can't seem to capture the oomph that it adds to your signal. I am not worthy.. :x
oh well, I'll just have to take your word for it. I'm really thinking about purchasing it.

What kind of stuff does it do to the lead tone? Like, does it add more sustain and tone or what?

Does it come with an AC cord to power it?
steeldragonjovi said:
oh well, I'll just have to take your word for it. I'm really thinking about purchasing it.

What kind of stuff does it do to the lead tone? Like, does it add more sustain and tone or what?

Does it come with an AC cord to power it?
Depending on how much gain you add is how much sustain you can get. It will fatten your sound, and get you out in front no matter what the situation. They come with the Switchcraft adapter for you to solder on to a Boss PS120T (recommended) power supply. It's battery powered also, but it seems to eat batteries big time!! Wish I could be more help..

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