The ideal way to turn off a tube amp?

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MrMarkIII said:
Just curious: Why is it that none of these rather elaborate procedures are never mentioned on any manufacturer's website or in any owner's manual, since, say, oh, the beginning of time?
And please don't say it's because they want their stuff to "wear out" faster so I have to buy a new amp more often.

Exactly 8)

There is no reason to do all that chord hitting - standy for 30 mins - stand on your head and juggle for 3 minutes stuff...just turn the thing off.
Does it have to be a chord? I like to play a blazing locrian run, followed by trills with one hand. Then I reach over with my right hand and turn it off mid trill.
zappaslaughter said:
Does it have to be a chord? I like to play a blazing locrian run, followed by trills with one hand. Then I reach over with my right hand and turn it off mid trill.

I imagined that and I laughed out loud hahaha.
MrMarkIII said:
DeFrag said:
Its not over your head. By turning the mains off 1st, you drain residual voltages from OTs, caps, etc increasing the life of those components. Additionally, if you or a tech opens up the amp, it is at the safest state possible as techs will drain before sticking their hands in anyway for safety's sake.

Lastly, by throwing your switch to standby after draining the amp, you are actually preparing it for the next time you fire it up. The act of hitting a chord right before you kill the mains is so you can feel good that you hear it draining. It is entirely optional, just wait about 10-15 seconds before throwing to standby to be sure.

Just curious: Why is it that none of these rather elaborate procedures are never mentioned on any manufacturer's website or in any owner's manual, since, say, oh, the beginning of time?
And please don't say it's because they want their stuff to "wear out" faster so I have to buy a new amp more often.

There is a reason why you have never heard makers/techs say that before:

It is complete and utter crap. I hear things like "well it bleeds out the ...." and think of what Mike Soldano said. I just smile and knod at the person....then walk away and hope the OCD meds take effect soon.
barneyc4 said:
i switch to standby, wait 10 seconds, and then turn it off....


It is a waste of time and has no merit of benefit. If wasting time is bad for you then yes.

If you are cool with doing things that are a waste of time and have no merit then no.
John Vasco said:
So what IS the best/correct thing to do...?
We're not going to tell you... Only the Knights Templar are allowed to know the Holy Secrets Of The Standby.
simonich said:
John Vasco said:
So what IS the best/correct thing to do...?

Just turn it off. Mains and standby, switch them both off at the same time. Done.

Just because you warm it up doesn't mean there has to be some sort of trick to turning it off too.
Back to TGP, that thread (actually, I think there were two threads IIRC) was full of interesting, technical stuff ...apart from the typical myriad of opinions, of course. What I got from that thread is yes, simply turning it off is fine.

Moreover, there seems to be no quantifiable evidence (as in zero, zip, nada) that doing anything other than simple powering off does anything beneficial for the amp, tubes, caps, etc. Some flip the standby switch simultaneously with the power switch to off (what I've personally done your yeeeaars) only as a point of convenience so that the next time you power up, it's already in Standby mode. Good discussion there, IMHO, and some nice debunking of urban amp myth :)

I flip the power switch to the "off" position.
Then I flip the standby switch to "standby".
Wait 10 seconds.
Then I switch standby on and off really quickly, 5-10 times: more if I've been playing metal, less if I've been playing jazz with a Strat.
-Careful with this, too much of this and you'll overdrain the caps and they'll refill with positive ions! ESPECIALLY if you've been flushing them with quietstormons, or using a chorus indiscriminately. Use your best judgment.
Lastly, I pick the amp up, turn it upside down and shake the last of the quarks and ElectroBeer charges out of the chassis. (these make that "springy" sound when you bump the amp)

I change my power cable once or twice a month, too. Always use a fresh one.
djw said:
I flip the power switch to the "off" position.
Then I flip the standby switch to "standby".
Wait 10 seconds.
Then I switch standby on and off really quickly, 5-10 times: more if I've been playing metal, less if I've been playing jazz with a Strat.
-Careful with this, too much of this and you'll overdrain the caps and they'll refill with positive ions! ESPECIALLY if you've been flushing them with quietstormons, or using a chorus indiscriminately. Use your best judgment.
Lastly, I pick the amp up, turn it upside down and shake the last of the quarks and ElectroBeer charges out of the chassis. (these make that "springy" sound when you bump the amp)

I change my power cable once or twice a month, too. Always use a fresh one.

I used to do that...but one day I dropped the amp on my big toe.

So you recommend changing the powercable once a month? after every gig. that's how i turn it off, i just yank the power cable out, from the back of the amp not the wall. I also find that when i replace it, if i use plumbers solder to connect it it gives an awesome scooped metal tone, and if you remove the ground pin (i just pull it out with pliers, you dont need it) it removes the fizziness.. but then again i am using a 5150II, your mileage may vary.

hmm.. maybe i'll save the hassle and just turn if off withe both switches at the same time now.
Rocky said:
I used to do that...but one day I dropped the amp on my big toe.


Hence the reason OSHA requires steel-toed boots and a buddy-system when lifting amps.

I change my power cable once or twice a month, too. Always use a fresh one.

Maybe that's why my tone sounds dull lately...I need a new power cord.

...and I would use bubble gum to reconnect a power you that "pop rock" sound.