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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
A pleasant peninsula
So I don't post much here but have lurked for a long time. I owned a MKIIB and a MKIII in the 80's. I have looked for a IIC+ for a long time with no luck. A couple of years ago I did buy a MKIII combo and sent it to Mike B. to convert to C+ spec's. He went completely through it and did everything but put new tubes in it. The amp sounded good but didn't end up being what I had hoped it would be. Of course the new owner told me he re-tubed it and it sounded amazing, lol.

It has been a long time coming but I finally came into a IIC+. I couldn't ask for much more. It's Imbuya, EQ, Simul, 105 tranny, EVM, and in excellent condition. The s/n is 13638 and inside the back panel of the cabinet it says Imbuya and is dated 10/84. I'm not sure if those are Randall Smith's initials by the cord? It doesn't look like MB.

I haven't had a lot of time to dial it in yet. My first impression is that the lead tone is going to be just what I was hoping for. I like the EVM although it sounded amazing plugged into my Celestion G12H-30 loaded blonde Bassman cabinet.

I do have a few questions. Back to the subject of tubes, the amp has STR-415's. They look fine although I have no idea how old they are. I'm not sure if I should re-tube it? I also don't know if I'd be better off trying it with a pair of EL34's along with the 6L6's? I do think I am going to go for a set of new preamp tubes. They have no markings so I assume that going with some good new ones will be an improvement. It sounds so good w/ my Celestion loaded 2x12 I'm wondering how it would sound with a Thiele 1x12?



You aren't kidding. Those initials look nothing like MB... :shock:

It looks more like RCO or RCS.

Nice amp though. :D
if you were in the room I would punch you in the face...then take your amp.

WOW! wa-wa-we-wa! very niicee!

How did you find this? It's flawless.
Okay so are you trying to torture us? Lucky *******! That one's real clean but looks like you have a ground prong broken off in your AC outlet. What the hell I'd put a new set of tubes in it an "put a quarter in the juke and boogie till I puke" (name that artist) anybody! anybody!
Did you guys see the S/N on the speaker? That is nutty...
Wow, what an amazing find.

I would put in a pair of EL-34 and save those STR-415. Those 6L6 tubes were well-built and I would not be surprised if there is still a lot of life out of them.
she's a beaut......

looks almost brand new,doesnt look like a lot of wear on that baby,any one here have a rough price for a MKIIc+ head,either hardwood or covered Im not too fussed,would love a hardwood one though :twisted:
great amp, perfect conditions! You've been lucky... and I hope you'll be happy with it. With a bit of imagination you actually can also read MB btw...
Yes, I got it on ebay and was very, very lucky. I happend to be probably the first person to click on the link when it was listed. It pays to have no life and be surfing ebay on Saturday night. Actually there is probably some Karma involved as the auction was scheduled to end on my 40th birthday (yes, I'm old....).

I know the STR-415's are a good tube, just not sure how much time they have left. They won't be going anywhere but I'll probably re-tube it just to see how it sounds. Since I have found the amp I can focus on finding a NOS set of 415's and 416's to go with it.

I also want to find a 1x12 or 2x12 cab. to go with it. I might have to try a Thiele although I have never had the opportunity to play through one.
Wow, I'd give my left nut for that amp. But you'd have to ask my wife for them because she has them in her purse.
sundaypunch said:
Yes, I got it on ebay and was very, very lucky. I happend to be probably the first person to click on the link when it was listed. It pays to have no life and be surfing ebay on Saturday night. Actually there is probably some Karma involved as the auction was scheduled to end on my 40th birthday (yes, I'm old....).

wow! I can't believe this one got pulled out from under me! I check ebay so much every day I should get professional help.
That's absolutely stunning. Congratulations on an incredible find. By the way - I beleive those are Randall Smith's initials there below the power cord. I got a post card from Mr. Smith in response to a letter I wrote, and it looks like his mark. What a score. I am profoundly jealous.
str 415's are great tubes..10,000 hrs of life. so i would recon they would still be pretty well can sell them for about $100 a pair! sound amzing..the best 6L6 you can get..

The amp is pretty amazing...What a find..
Congratulations, you have the ultimate Boogie amp and it's in awesome condition.

Get a Thiele to go with the combo amo and you won't regret it. The Thiele will really thicken up the sound and make your combo sound like a 4x12 cab. I love my Thiele with my Mark IIC & Mark IV combos.
I did a search but I can't seem to find anything that shows the tube layout on these. Does anyone know what the preamp tube layout is? I'm going to experiment with some NOS tubes but am not sure which socket is V1, etc. I don't know where I'll get the most bang for my buck with good tubes.
The V1 is to the left of the OT and has a shield. V2 is your lead output signal, reverb signal return and loop tube. V3 and V4 share the lead stage and the reverb functions.

The initials are RCS. A very uncommon sighting in the IIC+ world.
In October 84' Mike B. was called out to assist Prince on the Purple Rain tour. He was having issues with his IIC+'s, so off went Mike. So, for a week or so Randall Smith did the final tech on these amps. I have only seen 3 with the mark of the master himself. Mine, your's and one other.
I have a 10/84 1352X that is your amps twin. Luckily, I did not pay more than you !!! That's quite a steal on a $ 3500-$4000 amp.

Enjoy. :D
Wow, that is nice to know. I had read somewhere that Randall Smith occasionally signed amps but I didn't realize it was that rare.

Thanks for the tube info. Another dumb question - I'm clear on V1 now. I'm assuming V2, V3, etc. would the next tubes in line? Also, do you know what the one preamp tube to the rear of the amp by the choke does?

Thanks again.

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