THD hotplate

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Nov 11, 2011
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is the THD hotplate 8OHMs really worth it.

I have the opportunity to snag one for a reasonable price.

pros and cons!

It really depends on what amp you want to use it with.

I own one, but really only use it as a Load Box. I find that with both the Roadster and MKV I get better results at low volume with the Loop Active Master and an EQ in the loop.

The topic has been beaten to death. A forum search for "THD Hotplate" turned up 1146 results.

Happy reading!

Try it and decide for yourself. I've read lots about this and I find all the differing opinions to be confusing. It is safe to say that an attenuator sucks tone so you have to determine whether it sucks tone in a way you find acceptable or not.

If the price is reasonable, you can flip it for $275+ on ebay if you do not like it!
YellowJacket said:
It is safe to say that an attenuator sucks tone
No it isn't :).

Attenuators don't really suck tone. This is a huge myth.

It's very easy to plug in an attenuator, turn it down, hear a tone which sounds "less good", and think that the attenuator is "sucking tone". It isn't - what you're hearing is the natural result of lower power input to the speaker (minor effect) and lower volume on your ears (major effect). It's a well-known psycho-acoustic effect that a quieter sound sounds "less good". But if you record the attenuated and unattenuated sounds, then normalise the recordings and play them back at the same final volume, you would be surprised how little difference there is... close to none usually. Note that this also includes the speaker being driven less hard when the amp is attenuated, and the difference is still negligible. By far the most important difference is simply that the volume is lower.

It is true that some attenuators do change the dynamics and tone response more than others... a bit. And the Hotplate is one that does. I'm still not sure I would describe any of them as "sucking tone" though, it's really just a slight change in EQ or dynamics. The hotplate is also one that has built-in frequency compensation, and which is also switchable so you can try it with or without. (Separately for bass and treble, and which affect the dynamics too.)

Attenuators definitely change the tone no more, and usually less, than any other method of reducing volume by the same amount. You just can't get the same sound at low volume as at high volume because your ears respond differently, that's all.
I just might pick one up. I play my ROV loud enough to get delicious recto tone out of it, and I'm probably going to go deaf by the year's end :lol:
IMO a power attenuator is a very useful tool for the owner of a tube amp. I use mine for a load box when setting bias, and to setup FX loop levels with the amp at gig settings without going deaf.

As far as turning a 100W amp into a bedroom amp, an attenuator is not the "silver bullet". As 94Tremoverb mentioned there are dynamics and psycho-acoustic issues at low volume vs stage volume playing that an attenuator or Master Volume just can not overcome.


Ive used a few different attenuators thru the years on my Mesa Triple, but I just quit using them and use the loop as my overall master volume these days I just feel less is more.

I agree with the above post about not truelly sucking tone, if you are used to running the termites out of the house with your amp then playing lower just doesnt feel the same, plus pushing speakers or air plays a big part.

Good Luck
Wait what? A Triple Recto can be used to exterminate termites? Does it work on other pests? Man, we could make money this way! Use our amps to rid houses of all sorts of infestations!!

You should try it, it saves me tons of money a year, just hook your guitar thru a whammy pedal and hit the 2 octve up switch, dime out the Triple, and just play for a while!

Im older than most on here I imagine, but i have a friend whos son came over with his guitar and asked to play on my amp, I said sure, so his dad and I go into the kitchen to talk, and all of the sudden the most god awful feedback and squeeling starts happening, I run back in there and this kid had dimed my amp all the way across, hit my TS and Delay Pedal! WTF!

Hey I see your profile name is Yellow Jacket, Ive got a quad of those I use sometimes, pretty cool, gets that class a sound out of the rec.

Have a great day!