Tell me about your 3-channel Rectifier

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Well-known member
May 3, 2007
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I've been a long time 2-channel Recto user, but ultimately got rid of them for versatility issues. I did play a 3-channel for a quick 10-day tour my band did awhile back, but... honestly, I can't remember a whole lot about how it sounded or compared.

I do remember feeling like channel 2 was completely unusable, the clean was sterile, and I ALMOST got channel 3 to sound good. I had it out on loan from a friends guitar shop and it was definitely a floor model, so I don't know if a change of tubes would've done the job or what. But lately I've become more interested in the 3-channel platform and I'd like to hear from those of you who really dig your 3-channel Rectos. Thanks!
i love mine!! these brutes have to be played at a loud volume. they are not bedroom amps. i use ch1 for clean ch2 i have set up in raw mode and ch3 set up in vintage mode. all 3 ch kick some butt. plus if things tend to sound muddy lower the bass. very tricky eqs on these also. it takes a little time to get your tone because there is so many usable tones i tend to find alot with just a few tweaks.
also some say speakers make a definate difference on these.
While I do miss my 2 Channel alot, I ultimately kept my 3 Channel for its versatility. In stock form, the cleans were OK and I don't recall liking Channel 2 at all. Channel 3 is where I lived then and now.

Changing tubes can go a long ways and alot can be achieved experimenting with various brands. I am kind of always
looking for improvements and went ahead and sent my Recto to FJA had had their standard mod along with a push/pull gain boost on the 2 dirty channels.

But having your amp modified is absolutely not required to achieve a great tone on the 3 channels. Just play with tubes and read up on this board and you will be good to go.
If you want versatility in the rectifier platform, it would be silly not to go with the Roadster IMO. Better tone all around than the 3 channels, with the lonestar clean, a great crunch, and two high gain channels to dial at your choosing. Wattage and rectifier settings per channel....

IMO, the 3 channels are almost obsolete now that the Roadster is around. The ONLY thing the 3 channel may do a little better is all out metal...but that is up for debate too. I still prefer the Roadster for that.



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