Tech miniutiae - C26 on a MkIII greenie? Boogiebabies?

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2007
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So I had my chassis pulled looking for C27, thinking about trying just the R1 capacitor replacement for the "III+" mod. I noticed that I haven't got a C26, and it doesn't look like there's ever been a C26. I could pull the chassis of my purple and see if it has one, but a) my purple isn't in a swanky gts-built headshell so it's a pain to remove; and b) so what if it does have one, I still wouldn't know what it does :lol:

Was there a C26 on older ones? What did it do?

Anybody want more green stripe gutshots while I have it open? Requests? It's gonna be out for a few days while I engineer a new cover for the reverb tank; this is a transplant from a combo and I have been doing w/o the reverb tank and I finally decided I want it back.

edit: Oh yeah, *not* doing the C27 swap. Waaaaaayyyyy too tight for a hamfisted clown like me.

JimAnsell said:
it was probably there on earlier stripes, and omited on the greenstripe.

yeah, I wondered that in the original post but it was under the ginormous pic, rearranged the post so it's less confusing.
C26 is omitted from the GEQ circuit, it was on the early ones. C30 is where the .001 bright reduction cap went on earlier stripes. It's not on any Green Stripe I have seen, but is usually present on black dot, purple, blue and red stripes. I cannot find C27, but it may be one of the two feeding the two .1 orange drop caps just to the left of the 3 filter caps on the board.
Thanks man!

Yeah, I found C27 no problem, it's just too tight to a couple of orange drops and a resistor for my Neanderthal soldering skills w/o possibly having a whoopysnorp experience. I'm curious but not curious enough to make a whole afternoon out of it. :lol:
Boogiebabies said:
Found C27 below the relay.

C26 is on a black dot, but not on a purple, green or red for sure.

On my purple there is a connection on the PCB and it says 'C26' yet there is no cap in place, it looks like it came that way from the factory. I found it when I did the R2 mod.

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