TC Electronics G-system questions

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Jun 2, 2007
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Los Angeles
I have been following with interest the various threads on the G-System. I didn't really understand it before, but now that I own a Mesa Express 5:50, I appreciate what a powerful the G-system is. ScottKahn's excellent review on helped me understand some of the strengths and limitations of this device. Having said that I still have a few questions about it and I hope some of the G-systems users will be willing to answer them

For the new Mesas, how many channels or functions can I switch with the G-system? For the Mesa Express, there are 4 inserts controlling the 2 channels, contour, and reverb.

The 4 loops are wired to go in front of the pre-amp correct? So this works for overdrive type pedals but how about additional modulation pedals, for example, the H&K Rotosphere? Those are supposed to go after the preamp. So, the G-system will not work for those pedals? The power system for the pedals is 9V, I think. So, for juicier pedals like the Rotosphere or, say, Pigtronix Disnortion (15V), could not be powered by the G-system.

On my VG-88, I can great these great "slow gear" swells. Can you get a similar effect on the G-system--sort of more Eventide-ish ambient effects?

Thank you for your time,


Well i cant answer all your questions but the guy who did the review on is on this forum and he is very helpful.

Anyhow, about the channel switching. I have a mesa 3 channel dual rectifier but i can only setup channel switching on 2 channels. I emailed the T.C tech and he told me to get additional switching i need to buy an axess electronics CFX4t. As far as im aware i cant get around this problem without buying it. However, in terms of using your contour, reverb from ur mesa if you have the connections you can use the g-system to select them you would just connect them as you would your channels. From my reckoning to switch betwen your two channels the g-system has enough slots but if you wanted to control the reverb and contour i think you would have to buy the CFX4 (

The loops will take overdrive pedals and everything else. Take alook at steve vais pedal board on the t.c website, im sure there is a flanger pedal on his board. Not sure about the routing tho as i only use some drive pedals and they sound fab but i know you can route the effects within the g-system like you say but in the loops im not so sure..

Have no idea about the power issue im afraid but about the gear swells theres lots of sounds on the g-system im convinced you could get what your after with some tweaking. Theres plenty of ambient effects for my liking although i must admit i only really use the delay and pitch shifter.

Bear in mind too that there is a software editor out soon probably within the next month or so, so that will aid flexability which will be a blessing as i havent bothered to create my own preset yet!


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