TC Electronic Corona & Flashback Delay

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Oct 1, 2005
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Maui Wowee!
Anybody use one of these yet?
I really miss the chorus and delays of my G-Major, but don't want to go with a rack setup again!

Corona Chorus:

Flashback Delay:

The Flashback seems like it might be a pain in the *** to use. That's the whole reason I sold my Nova Delay! I do like the size though!
im expecting both in the mail in the next day or two and will give a review. I have played with the flashback a little and it sounds really cool, easy to use like any other pedal.
I can't comment about the Flashback delay (i don't own one yet )

The Corona Chorus is pretty cool,
The tri Mode is versatile and subtile too.
I downloaded the JP TonePrint for Crunch, I really like it though MK II or MKIV,
The classic chorus mode is easily tweakable,
i prefer the corona to the Chorus loaded into the Nova System, easier to tweak.
bottom line : i will put on sale the Nova System and get a FlashBack delay :D
ok quick update, i got the pedals yesterday and played with them for a little.

Flashback: I really dig this pedal, has some really cool sounds and lots of options, the sound quality is great, didnt get to put it into the loop of my amp yet but still very nice overall. There are some really cool tone prints available, i like the Pete Thorn and the Doug Aldridge the best.

Corona: Im not a huge chorus fan and only use it in moderation, but both of the JP TonePrint were cool, there were a few others i liked as well. Pedal is easy enough to use.

Both pedals are very solid and I recommend them, i didnt notice any coloration to my tone. Only complaint is both batteries were dead on arrival, although its not a big deal to me since they will be mounted and powered from a pedal board. I must add im also not a big stompbox user and lean heavily towards rack and multi fx type pedals. Im not a fan of tap dancing so these will most likely be used for an acoustic pedal board or just a secondary board for home so i dont have to drag my giging rig back and forth all the time.
I just got a Flashback today, so it is a bit early yet, but already I like it and any concerns about tone quality are gone. I was going to get the Nova delay, but really wanted something a bit smaller and don't need all those features. As soon as I found the Flashback it was a done deal.

Before the Flashback, I was using a Boss GT-8 for delay because it was what I had. I didn't really like the GT-8 even with only the delay enabled it sounds Lo-Fi to say the least. The Flashback in comparision does sound clean and musical. So far it seems to work well in front of my DRRI and in the loop of my Electra dyne.

For the money I don't know of anything better. The only thing I don't really like so far is that in the tape mode, the tape speed variation sounds over emphasised. I'll be interested to see if there is a Tone print with a better tape delay as I really would like to have a good tape delay.
Yes, the knobs do their job on the Toneprint setting. Toneprint is just a base setting like all the other modes. What you can't change are the internal parameters that make up each mode. That would be nice to "roll your own", but I think it is unlikely TC will release the software to us.
Good information! Thanks JJ!

One of the TC guys posted (on the TC forum) that they were debating on releasing the software.
That would be phenomenal!

I use an MXR Stereo Chorus right now. It sounds really stellar, but is freakishly huge. The Corona has me really interested!
I'll keep hoping for that software. I am really liking the mod mode, but would like to adjust the modulation a little bit.

As for the Corona, I was starting to think I'd like one as I don't have a chorus. The TC demo left me not wanting one anymore. Hopefully it is just that demo. Anyone else not liek the TC dmeo ?
Both are fantastic pedals. The addition of the Tone Print is great for trying different sounds. I just wish TC would release the software so I could develop some of my own.
I really like the tri-chorus on the corona and the price of these pedals is a plus also.
I tried the Flashback, and I thought it was nice, but had some problems with it:

1. When switching between delay modes, the mix changes a lot. So you have to change both mode and mix on the fly. I wanted to be able to set up a delay time and mix and change modes on the fly.

2. The mix allows for 100% wet. This is an issue, as it seemed that from 0% to 100% the dry guitar level is dropping while the delay signal is rising. That means that your dry volume changes with mix, another problem for me.

3. I like the looper, but during playback the live guitar is quite quiet compared to the looped guitar volume. So it's difficult to hear what you're playing or overdubbing over the loop. That's just plain weird to me. I also don't like the way they implemented tap tempo. It's clever, but I prefer a foot tap.

4. I wanted more flexibility with multiple delays. I found that quarter + dotted eighth puts the delays too close together. It's basically a poor-man's Edge delay, but not good for what I want. The Nova delay has the same problem.

I wound up getting a used Timefactor for $300.
I enjoy my Flashback: It's simple to use and sounds very nice with my Mark IV. That said, it might not be the best delay for live playing due to the adjustments needed to switch features and the unique way of setting tempo. If you only use one delay type (like me, I love the tape setting) it can work. Otherwise, I'd probably pull the trigger on a used G-Major so that you can switch between patches on the fly.

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