TC Elec Nova System

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Well-known member
May 20, 2006
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Concord, NC
I've seen that some people have had experience with this system and I was wondering if it is a nice pedal to buy? TC makes solid stuff i know, and I've read everything about it, including the owner's manual. I just wanted someone's take on it that has experience with it or owns it. I just want some effects that are in an all in once package, but I don't use effects enough to justify paying 1500 for a g-system, and I've heard that the boss me series sucks tone. Also, is it road worthy? (going on tour full-time in january and need something built good and reliable) Any input would be great. Looking to get this pedal within the next couple weeks. Thank so much.

I've had one for about a year and its pretty cool. The delay, reverb, modulation, compressor and drive are very top notch. very nice sounding and hifi stuff. the pitch section is lacking though. The wammy and the octave can't process chords, its sound like the chord is jumbled. My biggest complaint is that the tuner cannot recognize any notes lower than D on the tuner. To tune down you have to use harmonics. I think if you're mainly going to use it for the reverbs and delay its awesome.
I've been thinking about getting one too since the new ED I got doesn't like my Boss delays! I really only need Delay and Chorus and from what I've read/heard the TC's are some of the best out there. I just want something that won't suck tone the way my pedals do. I'd love to find one to try out before I buy it but no one has one in stock...
Thanks for the input muramasa. the Sam Ash where I live has one hooked up to some headphones. I didn't get a chance to mess with it, might go do that next week if I have time. Even though headphones are gonna sound A LOT different than having it running through my amp, it still might give an indication of the overall sound quality from the effects. I've watched quite a few youtube vids and they sound nice as well. I'm pretty stoked on getting some more effects to be able to use.

I have a Mesa Boogie RK II. How are they in front of the amp? I am looking to buy one. I am trying to simplify and having a small unit on the floor would make life so much easier.

muramasa said:
I think if you're mainly going to use it for the reverbs and delay its awesome.

I'm looking for a multi effects unit currently and the reverbs and delays are my main concern. Are there any good sounclips to hear the different reverbs and delays?
I had one for awhile and really liked it. Played well in front of my Mark V as well. I just prefer the flexibility of individual pedals. Not to say the Nova is not flexible, just easier to rotate a few knobs than diving into menus and the like. The delays and reverb are really great, what you would expect from a TC system. More simply said, if you elect to get a floor multi-effects unit, this is the one to get.
Thanks for the insight. I just need an effects unit with only that. I don't want a bunch of amp models and other effects i'll never use. I was in a struggle to which unit would suit my needs best and this is it. I can't wait to play through the reverbs and delays. :)
It could have been so much better with an amp loop. The four cable method would have made the most of the drive section pre gain and the delay, reverb section post gain
Pyro said:
It could have been so much better with an amp loop. The four cable method would have made the most of the drive section pre gain and the delay, reverb section post gain

I second that. This would be all that I would need if I could get all the other FXs in the amp loop.

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