Well out of box this thing blew me away. Not too long after I noticed a ping noise when changing channels (sometimes it is a sign a tube is near the onset of microphonics but not always). Not too long after the bass response was a bit strong on CH3 so I swapped two tubes to compensate and all was well. This evening I decided to put Mesa tubes back into V3 and V4. No ping, awesome bass response on CH3 (no mud and tight) CH2 had a bit more punch. You can get a little change with preamp tubes but not a dramatic change.
The TC-100 is like having a blend of Mark and Dual Rec on CH3. That channel is just insane. Ch2 is also great. I never had the thin sound issue the way I dial it in on etiher the TC-50 or the TC-100. I have been experimenting recently with the power soak feature a bit more. It actually does a decent job. Definately quite different than the Mark V in 10W mode (or cathode biased mode as it were). Overall the TC-100 is a beast and keeps on delivering. The tone is getting better the more I play it. (also breaking in a vert 212 cab at the same time).
I am not disappointed with the TC-100. I would second that comment and add the TC-50 as that amp delivers the goods in a slightly different tone but basically sounds the same.
Since I have the TC-100, JP-2C and the TC-50 in the one room I spend the most time in, I give each amp an opportunity to entertain me. If I am not smiling when I am playing through etiher it is because the smile is in my mind and it is bigger than the cheshire cat. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=gXkFl4Gn&id=DB024E89B5708130FE4127AC368353E98251297F&thid=OIP.gXkFl4GnRMM6wW3rQglIOwHaF7&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fth09.deviantart.net%2ffs71%2fPRE%2fi%2f2013%2f138%2f9%2fe%2fthe_cheshire_cat_by_nnyon-d2sgs2n.jpg&exph=800&expw=1000&q=Cheshire+Cat+Drawing&simid=608015033113903760&selectedIndex=1&ajaxhist=0
The TC-100 is like having a blend of Mark and Dual Rec on CH3. That channel is just insane. Ch2 is also great. I never had the thin sound issue the way I dial it in on etiher the TC-50 or the TC-100. I have been experimenting recently with the power soak feature a bit more. It actually does a decent job. Definately quite different than the Mark V in 10W mode (or cathode biased mode as it were). Overall the TC-100 is a beast and keeps on delivering. The tone is getting better the more I play it. (also breaking in a vert 212 cab at the same time).
I am not disappointed with the TC-100. I would second that comment and add the TC-50 as that amp delivers the goods in a slightly different tone but basically sounds the same.
Since I have the TC-100, JP-2C and the TC-50 in the one room I spend the most time in, I give each amp an opportunity to entertain me. If I am not smiling when I am playing through etiher it is because the smile is in my mind and it is bigger than the cheshire cat. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=gXkFl4Gn&id=DB024E89B5708130FE4127AC368353E98251297F&thid=OIP.gXkFl4GnRMM6wW3rQglIOwHaF7&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fth09.deviantart.net%2ffs71%2fPRE%2fi%2f2013%2f138%2f9%2fe%2fthe_cheshire_cat_by_nnyon-d2sgs2n.jpg&exph=800&expw=1000&q=Cheshire+Cat+Drawing&simid=608015033113903760&selectedIndex=1&ajaxhist=0