studio preamp used. price???

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2006
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hi! how much should I pay at maximum for a used studio preamp (in good conditions, retubed)? i come from italy, so i suppose prices for mesa products are a little higher here...another question: is it really capable of plenty-of-gain metallica-style metal distortions (black album)? even with passive pickups?does the distortion level depend also from which poweramp you are using?so how would it sound with a mesa 20/20 (price of this one used? :wink: )? sorry for the 1000 questions! thanks!
I would say $400 max. I've seen them selling recently for about $350-400. You can definitely dial in some sweet black album tones, even with passives, but it sounds most convincing with EMGs. The distortion level doesn't really depend on the poweramp, many of boogie's designs rely more on the preamp circuit for the gain/distortion. But get a nice poweramp and it will be nice and thick :)

I would agree - $350 - $400 max. Check on Ebay to see what they are going for. Many years ago I think I paid about $450.00 for mine, used. I've been using it for many years now with a Simul 2:90, and this combination rocks!! I always get great compliments on my overall tone. However, my main sources of distortion with this rig are now a Radial Tonebone Classic pedal, or a Keeley modded TS-808 re-issue. Both pedals sound GREAT with the Studio/Simul 2:90.

I have two Theil ported Agape' Audio 1x12 cabs, loaded with Mojotone BV30H speakers. These sound fantastic with the rig!
thanks! i've found one here in italy for 360 euros which should be about 450$... this is the lowest price i have been able to find on internet (european ebay or similar sites)... i took a look at reviews and i read that european owners had payed 450/500 EUROS average (more than 600$) for it used. so i think it's a quite good occasion considering Mesa prices here in italy/europe and considering also that it has been checked recently by a Mesa authorized technician... it would be my first mesa product, i'm so excited... hope it'll sound fantastic! :wink:
I'm a Quad owner but if you use the correct settings the Metallica recoding tones even with passive pickups are there.
I guess the studio is a bit the same in gain structure.

The Metallica recording settings for Puppets and Justice can be seen here:

Those settings is identical to black album too.