Studio Pre spare parts

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
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I just won a Studio pre on evilBay, but it's missing one knob and the rack ears. Is there anywhere where I can get these, or will I just have to deal with it?

I ordered new rack ears for my Studio Pre a few months ago from Mesa. Just call em up and ask to order parts. At first the guy was like "uhh I don't know if we still have those" but he looked it up and they did. The ears were $26 including shipping and I paid with my credit card over the phone.

As for the knobs, I have never had to buy replacement knobs (yet) but it makes sense that Mesa would offer these as well since they're the same knobs on most Mark and Dual Caliber models.
enjoy your studio pre.. hopefully the knob didn't affect your tweaking... the rack ears on the other hand... who cares! :p
I'm not exactly worried about the effect that the rack ears will have on my tone...but I'm pretty concerned about getting the studio pre TO and FROM gigs without them.

And the knob thing is purely cosmetic...but I'm a bit OCD about mismatching knobs, so I'd like to get it taken care of. Of course, nobody will care after they hear how awesome my tone is, but still...