Studio Caliber DC-2

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Sep 26, 2008
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Hey all; my first post...

So I just recently bought a used DC-2. I'm putting it through the ringers to make sure everything is good with it and I have a couple of questions about the amp (my reasoning will be clear in a moment):

So for those who own them, on the rhythm channel, when do you start to get tube break-up? I can get it really early, in fact I am unable to get any kind of a non-overdrive sound after about 3 on the master volume (rhythm channel gain at 3, channel volume at about 4). Does this sound about right for a DC-2?

I just replaced the tubes with all new Mesa's (power and pre-) but the previous had Mesa pre-'s (one Sovtek) and one JJ EL84 and another non-descript tube, EL84 as well.

My concern is the rocket scientist who put 2 unmatched tubes in there may have dicked with the bias and now my tubes are running hot (I know Mesa's are fixed bias).

I also think the speaker needs to be replaced (stock vintage Black Shadow) as it seems to be a little farty sounding. Not bad at all, just probably on its way out...

Anyways if other who own a DC-2 can give me some insight on when I should expect break-up on the clean channel, that would be great. I know the only way I'm going to know for sure if its running hot is to have an amp tech look at it, but there isn't anybody really close for me to trust enough to do it just yet....
The break up you described sounds similar to what I have experienced. With Les Pauls mine would break up in a similar fashion to what you have described. I run channel gain and volume both at 3, and set the master to the appropriate level. I am currently using a vintage Gretsch Chet Atkins Tennessean and the amp always stays very clean with the lower output pickups. My DC-2 was a combo originally, but I recently had Mesa build me a custom short head shell.

I like the sound of the DC-2 with the C-90 speaker. I know many here swear by the EVM/Thiele combo for the Mark amps, but I really like the C-90 with the DC-2. The stock Eminence Black Shadow speaker was good, but the Thieles give me more depth and bass response.