Well, bless the little search functions' heart, it did it's best.
Anyway, I've just retubed my 400. I plan on using it for bass, so I thought I'd tone down the PI a little bit with some nice JAN 12AT7s, but I can't find a tube diagram anywhere obvious. I've taken a leap and put the 12AT7s in the socket closest to the power tubes as that seemed the most logical. Sounds pretty good like that, but I wondered if anyone knew for sure which sockets were the PI.
FYI--connected to an 18" speaker, this mutha will move some air.
Anyway, I've just retubed my 400. I plan on using it for bass, so I thought I'd tone down the PI a little bit with some nice JAN 12AT7s, but I can't find a tube diagram anywhere obvious. I've taken a leap and put the 12AT7s in the socket closest to the power tubes as that seemed the most logical. Sounds pretty good like that, but I wondered if anyone knew for sure which sockets were the PI.
FYI--connected to an 18" speaker, this mutha will move some air.