Strange things happens with Roadsters!

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Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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I bought a brand new Roadster a months ago and went home with a happy grin. And the grin got bigger when i turned the monster on. Pretty much what I expected times 10. So, at band practice when the amp was hot (after approximately 1 hour) I crossed sword with the dreaded "channel switch latency". That is; the lag for about 3-4 seconds when switching channels the sound disappears and zooms in to proper volume (when the amp is "cold" the switching is almost instantaneously).

Limped out mildly hurt and embarrassed (over my usual bad luck and the sneers from my fellow band mates :oops: ) sins the mesa/boogie amps are regarded as one of the best built amps in universe.

I phoned the salesman at the store I bought the amp from (a really great chap that owns the store) and explained the phenomenon to him. He said right away that if the latency appear again I had to bring the amp in so he could send it to the mesa tech.

To my luck he had a used Roadster that he loaned me sins the turnaround can take several weeks.

Got home and went for rehearsal..... the amp sounded CRAP and had the same switch latency/lag syndrome (about 1 hour, hot amp). Phoned him again and he mailed me a full mesa re-tube kit (6x 12ax7, 4x 6l6 and 2x 5U4GB tubes..

Got the tubes the day after, and to day I went to the rehearsal shack and re-tubet the loaner. AND the amp sounded BEAUTIFUL again (remember, this is his amp).

THEN... after an hour or so... switching channels and, well... 3-4 seconds latency/lag + zoom.?! Whit NEW TUBES!

I turned the amp off and waited till it was a bit cooler. Turned it back on and the lag was not so noticeable but a minute later the latency appeared again when the amp got runnin' hot. There's definitely something that can't stand heat in the amp!

Talk about bad luck... or is it? Two amps in row!

I know about this problem after reading post concerning this and the solutions often involves tube replacement. But WTF.. I re-tubed the amp whit brand new tubes!!? :?

I surely hope that the certified tech solves this problem cus' I love the amp. By far the best sounding amp I've come across.

Please. If someone has encountered this strange behavior, what did you do??

Again, PLEASE!

Thanx in advance for your HELP!!

I have never had a problem with my Roadster... no lag either.
Oog, and I'm planning on picking up a Roadster soon - oh well, at least I won't be gigging with it in the near future!
Ooooh, just had a thought though - if heat is the issue (and from your description that seems pretty likely) then I'll bet running it in "spongy" rather than "bold" mode would help, since it cuts down on the power. Not like I would EVER prefer that tone-wise, but come on, in a live setting who really cares as long as it roars and cuts, and I doubt you'd ever have to worry about that with a working Roadster, no matter what setting it was on! :D
I use it on spongy more times than not and it sounds great. A little looser of a feel compared to bold.
thejay, thanks for the input.

I know that of all thousands of mesas out there just a tiny fraction comes with some sort of problem.

I sometimes see my self as haunted by bad luck (when it comes to buying stuff with factory fault, it happens once in a while but sorted out by sending the stuff back for replacement), I brace myself every time.

But this is pretty weird... what's the probability? I mean two in row!

And Metaltastic... as I said, tiny fraction... Your friend Nitro seriously rockin' his Roadster, right! :wink:

Nitro, I've been following your posts in pretty much every subject. Are you still experience the lag after putting in the new power tubes?

Nitrobattery said:
The lag happens with pretty much all Roadsters at high volumes

BTW, It works great under the first hour or so at REALLY high volume. The switching is instantaneously. But as soon the amp reach to a certain temperature... well!?

thejay said:
I use it on spongy more times than not and it sounds great. A little looser of a feel compared to bold.

That's exactly why I use bold mode :D

I've tried different preamp tubes, different poweramp still lags. I've heard though that if you switch channels using a MIDI controller via the 1/4" footswitch jacks as opposed to the Mesa footswich the lag is cut almost in half.

All in all I really dig my Roadster, but I'm finding myself falling out of love with the Recto tone again. I'm pretty seriously considering letting it go and getting a Splawn Nitro.
Nitrobattery said:
switch channels using a MIDI controller via the 1/4" footswitch jacks as opposed to the Mesa footswich the lag is cut almost in half.

Yes I've been reading that to. But even if the lag is cut in half you got 1.5-2 seconds of latency... too long anyhow.

I'll put my trust to the tech.
I have faced the same issue with my Roadster. I gig once a week with a setlist of 2.5 hours and it is really annoying. It doesn't happen all the times, but mostof them. After half an hour or so the lag comes up.

I think that this is unacceptable for a high-end company like Mesa. It practically makes the amp useless for professional use. I wish we could have a formal answer from Mesa regarding this problem. Seriously, I love the tone from the Roadster in all 4 channels and I believe it's a great, versatile amp, but I get frustrated when I have to face this problem while gigging.
Fotis said:
I think that this is unacceptable for a high-end company like Mesa. It practically makes the amp useless for professional use. I wish we could have a formal answer from Mesa regarding this problem.

Yes this is supposed to be an amp for professional use and I would like to stress the sentence "It practically makes the amp useless for professional use" 'cus this really is one of the strongest reason why Mesa should straiten this out.

I have owned a couple of "low-cost" amps plus rack stuff over time and NEVER encountered this kind of surprising faulty issues that as mentioned makes the amp pretty worthless for professional use.

Just a picture... imagine your favourite guitarist (with a Roadster rig of course) at a live venue (maybe it is you). The song progress to the solo section and you close your eyes to fully enjoy the solo and..... well, your hero slammin' the solo channel and the first 2-3 seconds of the solo is cut out. Likewise when he/she ends the solo and switching to another channel for the rest of the song, the lag ... get it?!

I seriously LOVE this lill' piece of monster (sound and versatile- wise) so I lay my hope in the hands of my Mesa tech.

I'm going to leave mine on all day next weekend as a test to see if it happens, that's a bummer.

The only fade out and zoom in I've encountered thus far is when I switch from a dirty channel with no reverb to channel one where I had the reverb on. I ended up just using a Boss RV3 and not using the amp's reverb, I actually prefer the RV3.

Every weekend I usually have my Roadster turned on for hours at a time, but not necessarily at band volume for the entire duration it's on and haven't experienced the 3-4 second lag (knock on wood). I'll have to try having the amp up louder to see if the lag happens.
c.t.d-nicke said:
thejay, thanks for the input.

I know that of all thousands of mesas out there just a tiny fraction comes with some sort of problem.

I sometimes see my self as haunted by bad luck (when it comes to buying stuff with factory fault, it happens once in a while but sorted out by sending the stuff back for replacement), I brace myself every time.

But this is pretty weird... what's the probability? I mean two in row!


Yea - two in a row is interesting :?

I used to get "pops" when switching channels but I cycle the channels when the amp is warming up and takes care of it.

No lag though... my band rehearsals twice a week and usually plays a show most weeks too so it's running hot between 5-8hrs a week easy. I love the amp, I am actually really looking forward to getting into the studio soon to record with it. Our last record I used a B-52 which tries to mimic a Triple Recto, its a decent amp, made with crap parts though... when it broke down I got the Roadster. I have been smiling ever since :D
Please Roadster owners with "faulty" units, read this!

I like us to gather here in a petition:

Thank you!

Ive never noticed this with my Roadster.

Im sure after reading this I will!

I guess if the amp doesnt suit you then "switch" to something else!

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