Strange things happens with Roadsters!

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vitor gracie said:
I have also looked into the new "Fender" EVH 5150 III amps and indeed there is absolutely no lag whatsoever in the switching between all three channels. I was impressed with the tones of the amp but just like the others made by Peavey, Eddie seems to regard an amp's clean channel as an absurd customer necessity. I felt as though (after playing the amp for a half an hour) the only reason it had a clean channel at all was because "Ya can't make a all dirty amp!" "Guys wont buy it." The clean, to say the least was completely unusable to any one even remotely interested in "non-high gain" sounds. An Orange Tiny terror has a WORLD CLASS clean tone compared to that amp. lol
I've been growing more and more interested in getting an old 5150 in good condition for around 500. It's a great deal and a killer amp to have for those tones.
vitor gracie said:
...ok, 1/2 a second to 1 whole second
Even a 1/2 second gap is W_A_Y to long. At least the way I use the amp. Going from, say, tight shuggin' to "exact-on-the-beat" change with another sound and perhaps back again is pretty awkward (i.e embarrassing). I don't know how others out there use theirs but this is what I/we do all the time (please, do not suggest that I shall change my style of music). I am far from a pro-player but I do gig on a regular basis. Studio sessions is not a problem because the way we record (one guitar at the time).

vitor gracie said:
The Mesas are professional amplifiers built for professional use.
Yes they are... I'm sure this is an easy fix, at least I hope so.

I'm a mac user my self and the computer I typing on right now is a 9 year old iBook so I get the comparison.

vitor gracie said:
I can attest to the Roadster's reliability and swear by them. Best amp I ever played.
I can only agree, except for the ******* lag.

vitor gracie said:
don't give up on it yet... maybe it'll come back from the shop sounding right as rain.
I will definitely NOT give up. I'm trying to convince my self that this is just a case of bad luck and that you are right about the rain! :wink:

vitor gracie said:
I feel for ya...
Thank you vitor

c.t.d-nicke said:
Even a 1/2 second gap is W_A_Y to long. At least the way I use the amp. Going from, say, tight shuggin' to "exact-on-the-beat" change with another sound and perhaps back again is pretty awkward (i.e embarrassing). I don't know how others out there use theirs but this is what I/we do all the time (please, do not suggest that I shall change my style of music). I am far from a pro-player but I do gig on a regular basis. Studio sessions is not a problem because the way we record (one guitar at the time).


If even a 1/2 second is way too long for you, you should give up on it unless they release a revised version since a 1/2 second is within their acceptable design parameters with the current version. Hate to say it but you should sell it and start amp shopping, just the wrong tool for your needs.

If you still want Recto tone you could get an old 2 channel Recto and then a separate clean amp and an A/B box to switch between them. You'll have almost the same flexibility and in some areas even more than a Roadster.

Or you could run a preamp into a 2 channel Recto's effects loop for your "clean" sound using just the Recto's power section.

Lots of possibilities. :)
Melodyman said:
Or you could run a preamp into a 2 channel Recto's effects loop for your "clean" sound using just the Recto's power section.

Just make sure to not have it in modern mode when you do, cuz it disables the negative feedback in the power section which makes any preamp other than the Rectifier's on-board one sound horribly buzzy/fizzy! (unless you were to low-pass the outputs of your preamp, cuz that's apparently what happens to the Recto preamp channels in modern mode, though maybe it's more complicated than that...maybe :D)
Melodyman said:
If even a 1/2 second is way too long for you, you should give up on it unless they release a revised version since a 1/2 second is within their acceptable design parameters with the current version. Hate to say it but you should sell it and start amp shopping, just the wrong tool for your needs.

If you still want Recto tone you could get an old 2 channel Recto and then a separate clean amp and an A/B box to switch between them. You'll have almost the same flexibility and in some areas even more than a Roadster.

Or you could run a preamp into a 2 channel Recto's effects loop for your "clean" sound using just the Recto's power section.

Lots of possibilities. :)

I quote myself:

c.t.d-nicke said:
The switching is instantaneous when the Roadster is "cold" (lack of better description).
Man, this sucks that some of you guys are having this problem...I've owned two Roadster 2x12 combos, one being serial #00615 and my current one which is serial #00743 and neither of them have this problem that you guys are having...I hope all ends well.
I gig fairly regularly and have 2 Roadster heads and have never had this problem switching back and forth. How odd....?
Melodyman said:
I wonder if any Roadsters are currently on any national touring rigs or if the majority of them are studio queens. I would imagine most touring rigs it would be in a huge racked roadcase with midi switching though lol. :D

The Foo Fighters use the Roadsters on all thier tours. Wonder if they have these problems? HA!

But seriously if I bought a new Mesa and it had a fricken 3 SECOND DELAY when switching, I would be shoving that amp up someones a$$. No excuse for that! Im shocked!
fluff191 said:
But seriously if I bought a new Mesa and it had a fricken 3 SECOND DELAY when switching, I would be shoving that amp up someones a$$. No excuse for that! Im shocked!

If mine did that I would just sell it wouldn't even bother to get it looked at, I have other amps anyway. :D

I really hope (knock on wood) it doesn't happen with mine, as I enjoy playing the amp quite alot.

I got the amp back from the tech a week ago. I thought I would not post before I thoroughly tested the amp... and... I did! Oh yes! :twisted:

It was a quick and easy fix. Something with a resistor (that's is involved in the channel switching) that was mounted close to something that got really warm. The heat made the resistor to change value.

The tech (by tip from MESA) replaced the component and instead of cutting the legs of the resistor he soldered it back and bent the legs aside from the thing that got warm.

The lag is now reduced greatly. Now, instead of 3 sec lag there is only a 1/5 sec gap which is totally acceptable.

When I say resistor I could mean transistor. I'm, as you probably noticed, not very skilled in this tech-stuff. I got the info from the store guy (that told me transistor) that sent the amp back for repair and then talked to the tech. And to be honest, I do not think the store guy really understand what the techy said.

As far as I understand transistors don't change value when heated but resistors can do! But I will stand corrected.

Anyhow... I don't really care what made what as long that everything works!

:D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D

F00cki'n YEAH!

Glad you got it fixed. I too have never had problems, but I was starting to worry when I would. Now I know what to do in case it happens later.
Glad to hear its working for you now and was an easy fix. I love my Roadster
That's awesome dude, if it would be possible for you to find out any more detail about that I would really appreciate it as I plan on buying a Roadster soon!

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