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Well-known member
May 12, 2008
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Hey guys, just looking for a little advice- well maybe a push in the right direction would be more appropriate. I currently own a roadster head, its not that a don't like the roadster- I love it, but it just seems like its missing something. I recently got to try a deuce II and was just blown away! To anyone who has played both amps, whats your opinion on them? The other guitarist in my band uses a Marshall JVM 410 (great amp, but lacks for heavy rhythms), the roadster and the jvm sound great together, but I'm finding that I'm getting lost in the mix at times (mids are not scooped at all). Another big reason I'm debating the switch is the due to the roadsters lead tones. It does have them, but not like the stiletto does...

Anyone care to chime in?

PS: If anyones looking for a roadster head, there may be one on the market soon :wink:
thats just the recto thing. mids ands highs are not very present. pounding lows though. I really miss all of my old rectos, but they will never replace my stiletto. while my trident doesnt have anywhere near the bottom end that a recto does, it takes over with its warm mids and precise highs. thats 2 outs 3. Add an eq in the loop and you get your lowend. Add a TS to a recto and you get your mids. its pretty cool to have both a recto and a stiletto as they both have seperate strengths.
I was almost sold on the Rectoverb, til I got My Stiletto Deuce II head. I come from the Marshall end of things and although I like the chunk I got with tthe Rectoverb, I like the Stiletto much better. Let a good bass player with good tone take care of the Low End!! Sounds great in a full band situation and cuts like crazy. It definetly does not hide sloppy playing like some of the other amps I've played so BEWARE!
My band does mainly classic rock and some heavier stuff as well. This thing gets all of those tones with ease. This with a Les Paul is a force to be reckoned with.
I own both, and I think I prefer the Roadster. Just a preference thing. The Stiletto might not mix as well with the JVM as the Roadster will though...
Thanks for all the replies guys, one thing I'm wonder is this: lately my band has been moving in a heavier direction (not too heavy, but id compare it to Rev Theory kinda stuff), just wondering if the deuce will be able to put out some decent heavy tones suitable for that style of music. I must say, I love the roadster for rhythms, but if i can get a good tone for palm muted stuff I think i'll be sold on the stiletto.
I have owned both Roadster and Deuce II, and for me, I prefer the Stiletto. For palm muting though, I lean towards the Roadster. I turned for the Stiletto because of the amps voicing for lead guitar- just tighter, smoother, and better suited for that with my playing style. Both amps are killer- so really, you cant go wrong, but for heavier rhythm playing- roadster....leads, stiletto.
I just did a reunion show with my old metal band a few weeks ago - straight up speed chunk metal. Back in the day I use my old 2ch trip recto with this band. This time around, I am recto-less so I used my stiletto. I added my Barber DD as a dirt boost and I was a whippin and a whompin. I got a ton of compliments on the tone. Super brOOtal and uber tight. Great note def. And the stiletto is much tiighter than the rectos for deep drop tunings IMO.
I sold my dual rectifier and got a Stiletto for the exact reason you mentioned - getting lost in the mix. Stiletto seemed better suited to classic rock, and it cured my "lost in the mix" and "fizz" issues. Not that the rec sounded bad in the band though, it actually mixed pretty well in the overall band mix, it's just I couldn't pick it out without cranking it over the other guitar player's level which was a little annoying (and I boosted the mids and did all those kinds of things). And with the Rec, it never seemed like I had enough clean headroom which I got with Stiletto (the Roadster may be different though). They are completely differently voiced animals so you have to pick whichever is better suited to your music IMO.
I got a Triple Rec and Stietto Deuce Series 2 racked together and I must say they compiment each other well. :D

Thats one hell of a collection youve got there. What do you think of the Genz Benz cabs?
I got a Triple Rec and Stietto Deuce Series 2 racked together and I must say they compiment each other well. :D

droptrd said:
Thats one hell of a collection youve got there. What do you think of the Genz Benz cabs?
I got a Triple Rec and Stietto Deuce Series 2 racked together and I must say they compiment each other well. :D

What's up Bro - long time huh? I love the Genz Benz Cabinets but I dont have a ton of experience with other cabinets to compare to. I love that they seem to cover the full tonal spectrum well and really emphasize the bottom end punch.
Yeah been a while. That Duece was my fault wasnt it? :lol: No more MTS?
droptrd said:
Thats one hell of a collection youve got there. What do you think of the Genz Benz cabs?
I got a Triple Rec and Stietto Deuce Series 2 racked together and I must say they compiment each other well. :D

What's up Bro - long time huh? I love the Genz Benz Cabinets but I dont have a ton of experience with other cabinets to compare to. I love that they seem to cover the full tonal spectrum well and really emphasize the bottom end punch.
droptrd said:
Yeah been a while. That Duece was my fault wasnt it? :lol: No more MTS?

Come to think of it is your fault! **** I had forgotten that. Thanks Bro...I LOVE it. I still got my Lynch Box and about 7 Mod'd Modules but seriously comtemplating trading out. How about you? You still in the MTS game?.
I got a Triple Rec and Stietto Deuce Series 2 racked together and I must say they compiment each other well. :D


Wow, that is some serious gear! So which model Splawn is that and how does it compare to the Stiletto? I am saving my money for a Stiletto but I have also been very impressed by the Splawn Quickrod.
droptrd said:
Yeah been a while. That Duece was my fault wasnt it? :lol: No more MTS?

Come to think of it is your fault! **** I had forgotten that. Thanks Bro...I LOVE it. I still got my Lynch Box and about 7 Mod'd Modules but seriously comtemplating trading out. How about you? You still in the MTS game?.
Nope. The MTS is long gone. Im all about my stiletto these days. Its so reactive. My tone changes with every guitar change and pedal. Fun stuff.
Wow, I can't believe you would get rid of your Roadster. I have the Roadster, and played the Stiletto a lot. I preferred the Roadster when I bought the amp, and still prefer it. Obviously, the cleans on the Roadster are world's better than the Stiletto's offerings, but that is to be expected with 6L6s. What I love about the Roadster is that I am finally able to dial in tones that are comparable to EL34 breakup, with the 6L6s. Channel 3 offers so much flexibility with the Raw and Vintage modes. I can get so close, that I don't worry about it. Of course, nothing will replace the character of true EL34s, but I get close enough to keep my mind at ease.

What I couldn't cop from the Stiletto was the Recto chunk that I at times, need and cherish. Nor could I get the clean Fender-like round sound from the Stiletto.

To each their own of course. Good luck getting what you want. If you want any dial-in tips, let me know.