I use a traditional 4x12 with the vintage 30s. I do use a mxr 10 band in the loop to adjust the sound to my liking as well as a attenuator as it does like to played at volume. I’m pretty much stuck on fat clean and tite gain.Nice! What kind of cab will you be playing it through? IMHO it works much better with speakers like greenbacks and creambacks than Vintage 30s. The "Crunch" channel is quite bright, like a vintage 60s marshall, and that combined with the Vintage 30 at lower volumes can be quite ear fatiguing.
Yep those are two of the better voicings, although I sometime like Crunch on CH 1 with the gain dialed way back 9:30 and the treble and presence dialed down. I often run spongy for a bit of sag. That amp has such an immediate response to pic attack and is one of the more dynamic Mesas made. But yea, no v30s with that guy. well at least for my ears LOLI’m pretty much stuck on fat clean and tite gain.