Stiletto Convert

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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
I took back my Roadster 2x12 combo-and cancelled my order for an RKII and here's why. I gig often: modern, classic, and southern rock, in two bands. I took my new Roadster out on the gig last night and not one sound inspired me, except channel four on a Creed song. Channel two is worthless, channel three is too much like four. Channel one is ok. None of the sounds really cut through the mix or felt how I liked. Thus my attempt to update my Heartbreaker almost failed, or collapsed into a Mark IV search,..but GC had a new Stiletto ACE and Trident. Tried the ACE and whoa! Tried the Trident and I saw the light! I bought a Trident and 2x12 cab-I have never been so happy! I'll go pick up a 4x12 next week So long thin sreeching recoto solos! Hello crisp tight biting leads and raw EL34 crunch. Getting this amp is like waking up out of a long bad dream. I tried to love the Rectos, really, I tried!
stash49 said:
I took back my Roadster 2x12 combo-and cancelled my order for an RKII and here's why. I gig often: modern, classic, and southern rock, in two bands. I took my new Roadster out on the gig last night and not one sound inspired me, except channel four on a Creed song. Channel two is worthless, channel three is too much like four. Channel one is ok. None of the sounds really cut through the mix or felt how I liked. Thus my attempt to update my Heartbreaker almost failed, or collapsed into a Mark IV search,..but GC had a new Stiletto ACE and Trident. Tried the ACE and whoa! Tried the Trident and I saw the light! I bought a Trident and 2x12 cab-I have never been so happy! I'll go pick up a 4x12 next week So long thin sreeching recoto solos! Hello crisp tight biting leads and raw EL34 crunch. Getting this amp is like waking up out of a long bad dream. I tried to love the Rectos, really, I tried!

Wait until you add the 4X12 , it will really put the finishing touch to the rig .
Congrats on getting a Trident!! It will sound killer with the combination of the 4x12 and 2x12.

If, for some CRAZY reason, you still feel uninspired... swap out the EL34's for a set of JJ KT77's, strap in, and HOLD ON!!! :wink: :)
The Roadster is my first (and only) Mesa. Only played Marshall in the past. I swapped the 6l6's for 34's and I like it more everytime I play through it. It is taking some time to get each channel tuned into what my ear likes but wow what an amazing amp. Tons of different tones. Don't get me wrong I will always have a soft spot for my JCM800 rolled from one end to the other but for now I really like the Roadster. I haven't had it very long at all. Maybe the honey moon will come to an end. Who knows. But I do enjoy plugging into one amp and having the tone of four.
I plug a holier grail reverb in the loop-not a bad reverb-not great. I had 6l6s in the roadster-but I could never just play it for fun, it was always "work"... and I tried all kinds of settings live-I could never find even one great sound on any channel. I was "supposed " to like them-but self honesty won out. With the Stiletto I get about ONE absolutley fantastic tone with mr PRS standard, and maybe two ok tones that get me through the clean parts of the gig, until I can get back to "The Sound" I love. Thus, for my style, it's not a versitile amp! But I personally would rather have one awe insiring tone that defines "my sound" as opposed to a bunch of OK sounds I got out the roadster, all of which left me want more. At some point I'll try thr JJ KT77s, but that 150 watt Trident fluid mode with tube rectifiers-stock-is almost unspeakably beautiful-can't put the axe down now. I guess I got get the 4x12 standard cab and leave it the band trailer-my back can't handle that much tonnage at 3 AM!
Stiletto Trident's 150 w on a Fluid setting is just that: Fluid, liquid tone that, as you said, cannot be duplicated on RKII or Roadster. That's one of my favorite settings on Stiletto, and perhaps the signature stiletto tone!
I absolutely LOVE the Stiletto's fluid drive setting.. I spend most of my time there in fact. I love how with just the volume on the guitar you can go from clean or pushed with infinited sustain all the way to searing grind on full tilt.

It still makes me smile every single time I hear it.

Congrats on the score, I love my Ace more than any recto I've ever played but I guess I just like that EL34 crunch more.
Just got back from the first gig with the Trident-after dorking around a little the first set with the clean channel (blue) I put it on the fluid (red) and just backed the volume off on the guitar when I needed to for mellow parts. I did get some looks from the band and a "warning" from the bass player (who has a bridged Eden WT 800!) for being too loud. Agreed, but that 150 watts is a beautiful, searing, mind numbing, white light kind of loud, way way better then any of my rectos. Still, friends, I'm going down to pick up that Ace combo-and keep them both, I think. The Trident and 4x12 will give me the big sound I need, at times, and when I dont, I'll bring the green meanie-the ace. They are going to have to retube it for when I buy it. I spent so many hour in the music store noodling on it, I might as well just take it home too.

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