Stiletto Combo vs. Shiva Combo

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Well-known member
May 10, 2005
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
Are these two gonna be similar sounding? From what I've gathered, the Mesa will be a good bit higher gain, and the clean channel isn't as nice as the Shiva. I've never been a reverb die-hard either.

I have a good bit of experience with the Stiletto but zero with the Shiva. Can anybody compare the two, or am I really comparing apples and oranges?

I can’t really speak about combo amps but I’ve played next to a Bogner Shiva for a while.
I play in a two guitar band.
I’ve been using my Stiletto Deuce coupled with one (most of the time) my 2x12 recto cabinets. I rarely get to stack of em these days.
My good friend and band mate of eight years uses his Shiva head with an Orange 2x12.
Together in a band setting when every one hitting it the two rigs sound fantastic.
But if we A/B them I think the Bogner wins hands down. It has such a full muscular tone. Nice and woody…full of mojo. Single lead notes sound bigger too.
I do love my Stiletto but what I’ve heard in the last few years with the Bogner is a step up in sound quality. Hey, you get what you pay for.
... yep hands down the Shiva beats nearly any amp. It is a staggering piece of engineering. And when you consider that you only have to spend anywhere from about $1600-@2000 for a used one. Everyone needs to hear these things, my jaw dropped, no joke. I had a Les Paul and had the gain about a third and the volume the same and hit an A note on the B string and gently moved my finger and I literally could have held that note (in deep sustaining/screaming/saturation) for as long as I wanted to. I mean it, I'm not kidding. Literally for hours. It just hangs there. The reason I didn't take it home was because it does NOT play well with effects AT ALL. It sounds like you threw a blanket over the cabinet.
Ask Coueur de Blue. He has them both. The Stiletto is not in the same league as the Shiva. Go with the Shiva or a Diezel EInstein whatever fits your taste better.
Best of luck.