Stiletto Ace or something else?

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2006
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Long time reader, first time poster.

I've always wanted to buy a new amplifier and at the same time i've wanted a Mesa.

I recently joined a cover band project with my former bassist and now I'm in the market for a new amp. The thing is, I really don't know which amp to start with.

I've always been looking at Mesas, and I've always been using a Line 6 POD thru a Fender Twin Reverb - while isn't too bad for basement stuff, I'm really looking for a kinda do-it-all amp, something portable, not TOO loud, but loud enough to carry me through a band, and manageable around the house.

I guess I've kinda grown up - the only reason why I wanted a Mesa was for that Nu-metal heavy sound, but while I still like that tone, I want something a little more unique and clearer, yet just as heavy and powerful. I've always wanted a clean gain tone - a tone very fluid but not too loose, without enough gain and power. I've always loved John Petrucci's tone and wanted to mimic or at least have a tone that clear.

While the line 6 POD is great for recording, and I've been able to get close to that tone in my head - Live the thing was very inconsitent, and it still was missing that certain something.

I've narrowed it down to two amps - either the Rect-o-verb 1x12" combo or the Stiletto Ace 1x12" combo. I know I could get that crunchy numetal tone from the recto, but playing it in the store I wasn't really able to get that tone, so I could never really commit to it.

However, I've been reading and learning about this Stiletto Ace, and I think it just might be what I'm looking for. I found this site and heard all te clips from Platypus and etc - and checked out John Petrucci's lesson video, where he is obviously using a stiletto Ace.

THe moment I heard it, I knew that was the tone I wanted! Fluid, gainy, clear, no mud, oozing tone - I could even hear it thru my PC speakers. lol

I guess my question is - it looks like this amp just came out, is there any place that has one in stock where I could try it? I really don't want to put any sort of deposit without the trying the amp - and being able to crank it and such. Is it that new where GC won't have it in stock? Should I bother trying to look for one or just go ahead and order it? Will it get that tone I described? I need some opinions, thanks guys.
I have had the rectoverb combo, and now own an Ace head. I'm keeping my ace head forever. I sold the recto a couple years ago.

that said, it all comes down to what your are looking for. for nu-metal tones, nothing will give that thump better than a recto. if you're really wanting that tone, I'd maybe suggest getting a rectoverb head, and say, a 2x12 cab with v30s instead. that'll get your closer than the combo IMO.

however, you stated that u also wanted a clear, gainy, fluid, no muddy tone as well. that my friend is the stiletto ace. by far.

the recto will not get that kinda tone. The rectos bass is quite hard to tame, and is thus a bit loose and muddy by nature. thats also why rectos thump so hard.

in a band mix, recto can get lost (esp in a 2 guitar band), but the stilteo will cut beautifully, while sitting well in the mix.

The Ace can get close enough to numetalish tones, but the recto can't get those marshall-ish british tones that the Ace gets. even with el34s. i've tried it all with the recto, its close, but still not there.

good luck in your tone search!
oh, and another thing,

dump the pod and just play straight into your twin reverb! if u want distortion, put a good dirt box in front of the amp, and crank it. I think its a crime to play a pod through such a nice amp! the pod is great in itself, esp with recording and practicing at home, but putting a pod thru a fender twin? :evil:
Thanks for the reply.

The NuMetal tone was something I wanted in High School. I think i've finally grown up (finally!) and want something a little more three-dimensional and clearer. I suppose I still want a tone thats just as heavy and gainy, but more clearer, fluid, and unique.

The thing is, the reason why I'm hesitant of the Recto is that, it seems like an amp that can just do a couple of tones and then thats it. I probably will find myself wanting to sell it later on to 'upgrade' to something better. The stiletto Ace seems alot more versatile, and at the same time - and amp that could be do-everything amp that I'd probably never want to get rid of. Is this how it would be ?

Also - Is this amp really that hard to find? I'll probably be spending almost 1700 on this amp, and I'd really feel better being able to try it first before I buy.

Also - I really would only want a 1x12" combo - but I've heard Mesa's are crazy loud. Would this be enough to carry me thru a live band? THe drummer hits pretty hard and the bassist is not so quiet - but I am the only guitarist.

THanks for the replies!
I'd go with the Ace.. I own a dual rec and the Ace 2x12 combo and the Ace's tone just stomps all over the recto for everything else but that 'recto sound.'

I'm thinkin of offing my recto soon if that tells you anything, the ace can go from super plexi/bassman sounding with a LP all the way up to scorching modern slam with a modern pickup equipped guitar.

Go play both obviously, but the Ace has some SERIOUS mojo I've not found in a rectifier to date.

I had to order mine, but the shop near me had a 1x12 in black that I demoed it on before I ordered it.

And yes... it can get loud as piss, even for a 1x12, but in my experience, in a full band setting with drums/bass, you almost need a 2x12 combo to keep up.. so if you end up with a 1x12 for ease of home practice, get an extension cab for playing out.
well if you located in SoCal...Rockit Music has one in stock, was playing it yesterday, but keep your mitts off of it, it has my name on it :)

Actually they told me they have a black one on order, so I'm waitin

the one is stock is a Green 2x12, it has outrageous gain channel