Special Vs Classic

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I love mine in black with black piping, looks darned sexy! :D
Some of the reasons I got my LSC 1x12 are:

1) Was cream w/ black piping and grill cloth
2) Was not blue with silver grill cloth (standard colors of the day)
3) Was a 1x12 (lighter than a 2x12)
4) Was pre-owned, less $'s than a new one

-Gary K

I have both the 1x12 LSS and a 1x12 LSC. Both are great amps, but the LSS has limited headroom when your playing with a band/drummer.
I have an OCD and a Keeley BD-2 as well, and you'll love either one thru a lonestar. I also love my Keeley SD-1 for fat searing leads, but that's another topic.
You can get great crunch tones at very low volumes with either Lonestar. Set the gain around 2 or 3, then set the Master higher and higher while keeping the "output" knob extremely low, and it rages; it seems to act like a cranked amp thru an attenuator (without any particular reduction in treble that will happen with most attenuators).

The bass response out of a LSC 1x12 is amazing. Most people keep the bass way low because of this (I'm a classic rock dude and don't like the de-tuned stuff, so I can't vouch for that, though that's not the Lonestar's forte anyway). I keep my bass knob around 9 or 10.

The first time I ever heard a Lonestar, it was a 2x12 and it sounded awesome. But I've never been able to compare them side by side. If you're worried about weight, then a Lonestar will be heavy, even a 1x12.

Regarding costs, I got both my Lonestars used and saved about $700 or so each.


Thanks so much for all of the info! Really great stuff. I'm pretty sure I'm going with a 1x12 Lonestar Classic, or maybe a Head/Cabinet option. I'll be sure to let everyone know once its all ordered.
I had a classic head and 2x12 cab and found it not to be what I wanted. It was heavy and a little to much wattage for studio and small venue work. IMO the Special head and 2 1x12 cabs was the better choice, I love the harmonic complexity the spical brings with the lower wattage and class A settings. I also own a bf bandmaster that I love dearly also. I guess it all comes down to your sound and what you precive it to be. I am very happy with my choice of the special over the classic. Nether are better or worse just more personal. .02
Yeah, really depends on your application. I preferred the Special as well as it is plenty loud for all the gigs that I do and I prefer my clean to have a little hair sometimes. I can really get it into the sweet spot without pedals most of the time.
I have the LSC head, and use a Mesa 3/4 back cab w/ Celestion Black Shadow 90 in it.
It is an awesome amp, but just the head is around 50 lbs by itself!
zwish said:
Interesting. I'm pretty sure I'm placing an order for the a 1x12 LSC. Just trying to decide what color, haha! Very extraneous I know, but I figure this amp is going to last me a long time and I've had too many black amps.


I like the green! Again, thanks so much for all of the advice everyone. I'll be sure to post back with pictures once I finally get the amp. Do you guys know how long a custom order usually takes through mesa?

Nice! Keep in mind however, that you're not limited to these configurations at all. These are only examples of custom work, and don't represent "standard custom configurations" that by any means are cheaper than selecting each item individually. So you're free to mix and match. :D

I would have liked the wine taurus one with a wicker grille, for instance. Right now I have the std. black, and I'm not at all bored, though. It's still extremely beautiful for a stock-finish amp in my opinion. Some day though, when I'll have the means to order something custom:


