Speaker suggestions/opinions for mark IV or other marks

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Aug 15, 2006
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Well, I've really been into my avatar 2x12 since I got it some time ago. I love the portablity, I love that nice 2x12 tone, not boomy sounding at all. Anywho, one thing I'm not digging too much are the vintage 30 speakers in them. The mark IV sounds pretty good with a clean tone, and mid gain tones on them, but when I hit high gain it's all over pretty much. The tone is very very harsh, treble is insane. I've tried every setting imaginable, and even EQ settings on my g-force and still harsh. I've also seen alot of other forumers complain about the harshness of vintage 30's with a high gain tone. I'm thinking about going for the celestion lead 80 speakers. I've heard they are nice and smooth sounding. Some other forums have also suggested the evm12L speakers.

Anywho, I figured I'd come here and ask fellow mark users, what speakers can give out that darker creamier tone?
The CL80s would be a good bet, they really let your amp do the talking.

I really like the MC90 in my MK I reissue. You can get those from Mesa directly.

The EVMs would be killers, but the cab would end up weighing a metric ton when you're done.
Heya...this will be my first post to the forum....just in time for 2007...

I've had my MKIV short combo since about 1996. For the last five years I've had a V30 installed, running the amp with an attenuator (DR Z) so as not to blow the speaker. The MKIV and celestion seemed to produce a brittle high end and the bass farted out quite easily. I also didn't like the Blackshadow that came with the amp (sounded a bit sterile, especially at low volumes).

I just installed a Weber 12' Chicago high power ceramic speaker, and so far it's completely transformed the amp for me. I've now got a warm round top end with a tight big bottom end. It's not chimey like a vox would be, just round and warm. It may be too dark for some folks, but to my ears it suits the amp well on all three channels. It does break up a bit later, as the weber web site describes, but that hasn't bothered me....

The only other speaker I've been curious about is the Altec 417...don't know much about them, except that they're hard to find and expensive...I'd be curious to see what other people are using...
fastfrets said:
Heya...this will be my first post to the forum....just in time for 2007...

I've had my MKIV short combo since about 1996. For the last five years I've had a V30 installed, running the amp with an attenuator (DR Z) so as not to blow the speaker. The MKIV and celestion seemed to produce a brittle high end and the bass farted out quite easily. I also didn't like the Blackshadow that came with the amp (sounded a bit sterile, especially at low volumes).

I just installed a Weber 12' Chicago high power ceramic speaker, and so far it's completely transformed the amp for me. I've now got a warm round top end with a tight big bottom end. It's not chimey like a vox would be, just round and warm. It may be too dark for some folks, but to my ears it suits the amp well on all three channels. It does break up a bit later, as the weber web site describes, but that hasn't bothered me....

The only other speaker I've been curious about is the Altec 417...don't know much about them, except that they're hard to find and expensive...I'd be curious to see what other people are using...

Those speakers really sound like my kind of thing man. I looked on the weber site and they are about $90 each. Good price. I think I'm going to go for them. One question though. Are the speakers really large? I have alot of room in the avatar 2x12 the 30's fit, but these speakers don't stick to far back do they?
I think you should have plenty of room...although Ted Weber is very responsive with regards to measurements and suggestions. I'm away from my amp at the moment, but I remember that the magnet diameter on the weber is larger, but the speaker itself doesn't extend back any farther than the V30 did....

I went for the higher power option because I only had a single speaker to handle the power of the MKIV combo... if you have a 2x12, maybe you could go for a lower power version of the weber, and get better breakup at a lower volume? Just thinking out loud.... don't know how the math works out; maybe someone could chime in...

Hope this helps a little...
Well, I talked to Ted and I ended up ordering two high powered speakers. A chigaco and a california. They seem very similar, both warm and dark it seems. Anywho, thanks for the weber suggestion. I'll let you guyz know how it works out when I get them in.
That sounds like a great combination of speakers.... I'd be very interested in your impressions once you drop them in....