Soon to be: New Rectoverb Owner... Question about setup.

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Jul 12, 2006
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Is there a way to setup the amp where you can switch the clean/pushed toggles (Ch1) and the vintage/raw/modern toggles (Ch2) on the amp using a footswitch?

I know the standard one comes with a channel switcher, but if I could I'd like for the Recto to replace my distortion pedals.

Also, can someone explain the midi control in/out on the back. I gave the manual a skim, and didn't fully understand what you could do with this.

The amp should be coming in early next week!
To switch modes on the amp via footswitch
it would take a modification. I thought
about that when I owned my Tremoverb but I
never went through with it. Its not a real difficult
thing if you think about it. The switch on the
front is just an on-off toggle switch or a signal
router that either sends the signal one way or
another. When I spoke with my amp tech he
explained to me that the mod would alter the
ability to use the switch on the front of the amp
to go from clean to pushed or other channel
voicing and you would have to use the foot
switch for it. He would have to drill a hole either
in the front or rear of the chassis in order to put
a 1/4 inch jack in for the foot switch. You would
also have to buy a single foot switch for the function.
Hope this helps!!

Also--Congrats!! I can remember getting my
Triple a couple of years ago........ Im excited
for you! Im not sure what guitar/pickups
you are playing withor what tone your looking
for or anything but I can tell you from my
expirience some things that might help you
to nail your tone with it in a shorter amount
of time than I spent messing around and changing
pickups and twisting knobs! One thing is:
Dont be afraid to turn up the tone controls!!
I have found that you can actually peg the
Bass control and as long as you bring the
mids up to compensate for it it will not get
muddy. I made this mistake for a long time
and it caused a great deal of frustration for
me because I could never get enough punch/chunk.
Another thing is that you will want to give it enough
treble to have some clarity but not more than that
(depending on your tastes) or you will start to loose
the chunk on the upward strum. Also, a personal
trick of mine is:

I stand by my theory of pegging the overall
amp volume and barely touching the preamp
master (channel volume) volume to get your
overall volume. The sustain and clarity and
tightness of bottom end that I get is not replicated
to my ears when the amp volume is @ half and
the preamp volume is @ 10-11. You
wont be disappointed by trying this!!

Also, here is how I set my controls as of this
moment to get a great Metal/Hard tone in the
3rd channel set to Vintage:

(I play: 97 Gibson SG With a set of PRS
Dragon II's into a Standard Recto Cab and
sometimes the Marshall 1960A with the
GT75 Spaekers)

All of these settings are assuming
positions are a CLOCKWISE Knob

Vintage High Gain/Bold/Tube

Overall Amp Master
PEGGED! (up to 11)







It absolutly tickled my ears! It seems that
these high settings really make up for the
lack of punch I have in the PRS Dragon II's--
Im actually ok with that though because
I can keep the versatility of the Dragons
and still have the nasty that I was missing!
Life is good! I have my cake and ate it too!!
I would have never thought
to set my knobs that high! This is my taste
but let your ears do the walking--Hope this
Helps you get a jumpstart on this head!!
The midi type connection (5 pin) is for the standard ROV 3 button footswitch. Although I'd like to be able to switch the settings by foot, I;m not sure it's practical. Each setting is louder than the previous (Modern > Vintage > Raw) and the equalization would probably need to be changed to accommodate.

grOOvadelic said:
Is there a way to setup the amp where you can switch the clean/pushed toggles (Ch1) and the vintage/raw/modern toggles (Ch2) on the amp using a footswitch?

I know the standard one comes with a channel switcher, but if I could I'd like for the Recto to replace my distortion pedals.

Also, can someone explain the midi control in/out on the back. I gave the manual a skim, and didn't fully understand what you could do with this.

The amp should be coming in early next week!
To address the second question regarding MIDI--

While the manual mentions MIDI in its explanation of the "External Switching Jacks," these jacks are only 1/4 inch footswitch jacks. If you have a MIDI-controlled device capable of doing the same thing a footswitch does (e.g. complete the circuit between the tip and the sleeve of a guitar cable), AND if that device can provide the signal through a 1/4 inch phone plug (i.e. guitar cable), then you can connect it to one of these jacks and control the function through MIDI.

The footswitch that comes with the Rect-O-Verb connects to the amp through the 5-pin connector next to the channel toggle switch. It's not a MIDI connection at all, it just uses a MIDI connector as a matter of convenience. Since the connection contains enough current to light the LEDs on the footswitch, I wouldn't try connecting a MIDI device here. There may be enough juice to damage the device.

I hope this helps!
Thanks for all the input guys...

Micah - Looks like I'll have a great head start. I'm playing a strat with a humbucker in the bridge. I've been going to guitar center for about 2 months trying out all their amps and the rectoverb was just magic to me. Everything I wanted in an amp - I was getting tired of the "one trick pony" Fender Blackfaces I had been playing through and getting my high-gain tones through pedals. I got some studio time, gigs, and practices, jam packed for the rest of the summer and I can't wait for it. I'll finally be cookin with gas!

Razm - you make a good point with the volume (something I'll discover as I tweak with the amp). I may just set the amp to channel 1 clean and channel 2 fat distortion at some gigs and channel 1 clean and channel 2 modern at others (depending on the set).

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