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Same here. Is it on Instagram or Facebook or something? Seems kinda weird if you are hyping some new amp to not put the teasers out everywhere (emails, web site)
Mark V is the post today. Will be interesting to see what tomorrow’s is since everyone is saying this is going to be the Mark VII and not the VI. Some also think this will be neither but instead a version 2 of the current Mark V. (Mark V-II)

For the last five days they've posted about the Marks 1 thru 5 in series and are clearly hinting at something new coming along, and tomorrow will be March 6, the ideal day to introduce the Mark 6. I'm going to be watching their files section (documentation and manuals) to see if the Mark 6 documents drop before midnight tonight.
Over at the Gear Page some guy who seems to be in the know is saying March 7th is the day of the big reveal. My wife will not be pleased since I just picked a Badlander a couple months ago..... but hey, a new Mark is a new Mark! I can't see myself parting with the V head either, I do use Tweed, Mark I and Extreme quite a bit, and these seem to have been dropped. Time will tell!
Well.. they’re not getting it to Europe in this decade it seems and not even bother trying so it’s kinda no reason to get excited 😆
That looks like a Mark V 90 if it was available in a rackmount/17" chassis width option.

So...I must guess that the VII will be very familiar to Mark V 90 owners such as myself.
Same game, different modes on the switches.

What would I actually want to see added? Two effects loops, one pre-distortion, the other post-everything.
Because some effects work well pre distortion, while others don't.
Hmmm no SOLO boost? No EQ PRESET blending? No Pentode/Triode or Diode/Tube options. Prolly no class A power either since 10W mode is gone.

Edit: it does say 25W Triode Class A. Mark V is 10W Pentode class A.

Love the CCIR on each channel.

Not sure about the EQ O/FS option. I like having EQ hard ON channel 3, FS for channel 2 and off for channel 3. This new config means I’d have to pay attention on channel 1 since I can’t be turned OFF no matter wherever the footswitch happens to be set at.

No SOLO really sucks the most. Edit: It says SOLO there one of the sections on EFX, Reverb etc but SOLO is not listed as a footswitchable function, which is no bueno.

The VARIAC will also be missed.
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Great to know they've been concentrating all their efforts on this while I've been waiting on a new mark V footswitch for months and months. And also good to know nobody will ever have to wait on a proprietary footswitch for their VII because it's midi.
