Some mark IV brutal settings ?

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
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Hi! Does anyone have some BRUTAL (metal/hardcore) settings and soundclips for my mark iv ?
Because I'm starting to get dissapointed! And I'm really thinking about trading my mark iv for a dual rect or a stiletto deuce!
Yeah I knew about those! But I mean kind of lamb of god tones..
Or is a rectifier better for those purposes? (I know log uses mark iv's!)
lead channel:

Gain: 8 pull
Treble: 6,5
Bas: 3
Mid: 4
Drive: 8 Pull

Presence: 3 Pull


Bass: upper stripe
Bassmid: Just above middle
Middle: Just above lowest stripe
Highmid: on Middle stripe
High: just beneath the highest stripe.

Simul Class
Full Power

Reverb: 0
here is one!


you can pull down the 80hz and raise 2200.

Simul Class


full power
That's what I'm talking about :eek:
Only a little too less bass but yeah 8)
I hate to be a cheeseball and plug my band but you can check out the track "Pariah" at I tracked that with the Mark IV.... it's a very raw mix but you will get the basic idea. I have other tracks that sounds much better but thats the quickest sample you can listen to.... The other stuff has a LOG sound but w/o meaning to...
mesaIV said:
wow, that sound real thick!

Thanks dude, too bad its a really raw mix. The other Mark IV tracks that are still on my PC have a killer tone... The track "End Complete" was tracked with my Triaxis. I can't seem to make up my mind when it comes to recording... both amps sound killer! The one thing made made a huge difference in Mark IV tone was the addition of the Furman PQ4!! If yuo can get your hands on one those, do it!
wow, it truly sounded like **** today :s
Pfff and the volume was very unloud contrary to normally :s
I had to put it on 7 and otherwise on 3 :[
mesaIV said:
wow, it truly sounded like sh!t today :s
Pfff and the volume was very unloud contrary to normally :s
I had to put it on 7 and otherwise on 3 :[


dude, you are doing something really wrong.

when i had your mark IV, i didnt turn it up past 3....

did you check all the back panel functions(triode/pentode, simul/class a...)

As some other people already mentioned on this forum, the Mark IV is very sensitive to your AC current.
Last night I had a very weak output too, and after a while, I realised that there was a problem with the current in the house...
Have you tried changing the tubes on this amp? The lack of tone, and volume you describe sounds like spent tubes.
the preamp tubes are a half year old.(JJ 12ax7)
The power tubes about a year.(sovtek 6l6)

the amp was under maintanance at Van Weelden a few weeks before MesaIV bought it.
Ik know the problem!
It's much to bright for me..
It sounds fine when i stand in front of the cab (not bowed for it!)
But from a distance sounds much to trebly + to much gain..
had that problem too.

I changed my settins recently, its sounds a bit more dry and middy, but thats good in a band situation:

Gain: 8 Pull
Treble: 7
Bass: 3
Middle: 5
Drive: 8 Pull

Presence: 3,5 Pull

Master: .
Output: .


Bass: Just under upper stripe
Bmid: Just above middle stripe
Mid: Just above lower stripe
Hmid: Just under middle stripe
High: Middle stripe

Maybe you like it, try it out.
Toh said:
Hi, As some other people already mentioned on this forum, the Mark IV is very sensitive to your AC current. Last night I had a very weak output too, and after a while, I realised that there was a problem with the current in the house...
I have the same problem in my house and most other places I play, inconsistent power especially in the summer. Both the current and voltage. So I bought a Furman Power Factor Pro and immediately heard a dramatic difference. It cleaned up all the pops, clicks, motor noise, saws, drills, radio stations etc., and supplies plenty of current so there's no more farting out when the amp needs more current. But the LED voltage readout made me very aware that the voltage was also very inconsistant so I added the Furman AR-1215 voltage regulator and it supplies a steady 117 volts. I've had a lot of the problems folks have complained about on this and other forums and those problems have been solved with a really good steady, clean power supply. It's not cheap but it was definately worth it.
mesaIV said:
Yeah I knew about those! But I mean kind of lamb of god tones..
Or is a rectifier better for those purposes? (I know log uses mark iv's!)

mark morton uses 2 mark IV's. he said he uses typical metal settings. one has the mids scooped and the other head has mids pushed. if i can find the article i will type it out for you, since i don't have the ablility to scan. he also uses a dbx compressor.