Sold my 3 Channel Recto for a 2 Channel Rackmount

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2005
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was that a good move? i've heard that the rackmounts sound a lot better than my 3 channel triple rectifier. i liked my recto but i just couldn't get it to sound just right. also, having it in a rack is a plus for me. so all in all did i make a mistake?

Well, I like my rackmount Rectifier, and I can get the sounds I always wanted to...And If i compare prices here, then I must say, a used TR can be got a bit cheaper than a rackmount DR.

I also like having a rack, but I wish it would weigh less:)
VERY VERY good move.

Ractifiers, like all of their 2ch brothers sound awsome. Much better than the current offering. I know thats not a popular sentiment here, but I think its just because the vast majority of Recto owners here are new and have 3ch models, and who wants to be told they own the inferior item?
funny I own a 93 2-channel ( and sold a backup 93 2-channel)... from the monent they came out.... used them for 10 years....

went shopping for a new amp and tried all the stuff ( peavey , rivera, marshall, bad cat , etc. )

came home with a 3 channel recto and it is my favorite amp ever....

but the racktifier will sound awesome for sure...
I find the newer rectos to be darker and a bit smoother, but the older ones have somethich which is much more important to me, CLARITY!

None of the 3ch models Ive ever played seem to match the 2ch models for clarity.
ok, so the racktifier came in the mail today. i'm using the exact same setup as i did with the triple recto (guitar straight in, mesa 4x12, monster cables). but something seems wrong. i mean, i can have the master and gain up ALL the way and be in the same room. granted it's loud but not as loud as i thought it would be. it doesn't seem loud enough for shows and it doesn't seem to have as much gain. help!

could it be a tube problem? the guy said he retubed it 6 months ago. the power tubes are mesas but the pre amp tubes are groove tubes (GT-ECC83-S). on my old one all my tubes were stock mesas.

It shouldn´t matter what kind of preamp tubes you have as long as they are of good quality. Of course some will give you more gain or a different tone but shouldn´t really cause any volume problems.

I have a 2 ch dual recto and I feel that the newer 3 ch versions have a bit more gain, so that´s probably normal. It shouldn´t be a big gain difference though.

As for volume, the amp should be very loud, especially when in modern mode on ch 2 and the SS rectifier and the amp set to Bold. No way can I stand in the same room with my amp on full, so that does seem a bit weird.

Most problem in the Mesa amps are caused by the tubes, so it´s a good bet that they can be the cause.
When I buy a used tube amp I usually change all the tubes, just to be sure they are fresh. You never know if the guy selling it is telling the truth about the tubes.

Maybe you should change the power tubes and if that doesn´t work, take it to a tech to get it checked out.
Speaking from the perspective of a Bass 400+ playing bandmember with one guitar player pointing a 3 channel Dual Rec into my right ear and the other pointing a Racktifier into my left during rehearsal, I have to say unequivocally that the 2 channel Dual Rectifier Rackmount is to my ears more focused, organic (like a 1969 Marshall Super Lead on a steroid rage) and ultimately just bassier (useful, palm muting chug) and just more up front, ballsier with more of the legendary Dual Rec character shining through. It's almost as if relative to the 2chDRR, that the 3chDR has a bit of solid state injected into its DNA. All that being said, the 3chDR is in its own right a killer amp, just not up to the standard set by a good 2 channel DR.

On the issue of a complete lack of volume, I agree with the board: something's must be awry cause even assuming tube rectification and vintage channel cloning your ears should be aching something fierce with that sucker "dimed". Take it apart and make sure all the tubes are flush with the sockets? Play it while the lid's off and make sure all the tubes are glowing gently and not overheating or arcing. Check cable and connections to your cab. Once, the jack on my Recto Cab was acting up. Try removing the two middle tubes and one rectifier tube (either one) and try switching out tubes to the outer sockets to isolate a bad tube. Hopefully it's something simple.
well i figured out what the problem is. the fx loop send knob is screwed up. occasionally i can get it working right but it stops working again. the funny thing is that even when the FX loop is bypassed it still affects the volume. i'm going to take it to a local tech i know and have him check it out.

phantomlord2oo said:
well i figured out what the problem is. the fx loop send knob is screwed up. occasionally i can get it working right but it stops working again. the funny thing is that even when the FX loop is bypassed it still affects the volume. i'm going to take it to a local tech i know and have him check it out.


How about cleaning it. De-oxit and turn it a few times. My 92 did the same thing.
see the thing is that the knob is very loose and wobbles a lot. so i just want to have it fixed by a pro. it probably got that way during shipping...


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