software recommendations

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Active member
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
Pottsville, PA
New to the recording area and looking to get started right. Mainly i'm looking for recommendations for the actual recording software and some sort of drum programming program.

Not looking for super quality, just mainly to get my ideas out and songs structured because i don't have access to a real drummer right now to work with.

My laptop specs are

Dell Inspiron 1520
2ghz Intel Dual Core
2gb RAM
320gb HD
Integrated High Def audio soundcard
256mb GeForce 8600

using a line6 toneport ux2 for an interface

thanks in advance for any help!
and i hope youre running xp and not vista. if vista you may want to upgrade to 4gb, windows will only be able to see 3gb of it though.
I use Tracktion2 recording software and RM IV drum software, which comes bundled with Tracktion. It's inexpensive and works very well IMO.
Currently, Sonar 6 but will be upgrading after I build a new PC to Sonar 7 also using Addictive Drums and will be sticking with that
Reaper is definately the way to go .... I just switched to Reaper after being a Cubase VST user for about 5 years or more.

The cool thing is that reaper costs alot less and is just as useful (if not more) than the big named higher priced programs.

Also an excellent drum program is EZ Drummer. it interfaces beautifully with Reaper. And professional results can be achieved. The only downside to ez drummer is that there are different drum packs available -meaning you may not get the exact style you want unless you buy the expansion packs........

You can download reaper and try it fully functional, it is shareware, if you like it, you pay the reg fee $50.00 for "private"use (As opposed to the "commercial" folks who will record others and make money at it )

Give it a try .

Good luck
I'll give another thumbs up to Reaper. I like it as much as Sonar, and MUCH better than Cubase. (to be fair, both of my copies of those two are a few years old, though).

Reaper is good bang for the buck.
Another thumbs up for Reaper, a really great program. If you decide to try it out here's an excellent online tutorial for it:
Spirithunter said:


Just tried it out.

And to think I was about to drop 350 dollars on Pro Tools m-powered (250 for the software, and another hundred for an M-audio device that I would never use just so I could use the software).

At 50 bucks I don't think you can do better.
Sonar definitely beats Tracktion for reliability, but Tracktion has the intuitive user interface nailed. Tracktions error handling is not great, and you may spend a lot of time rebooting if you start having errors. Sonar is much much better about recovering from errors without rebooting and without losing your work.

But I wish I had tried Reaper before Ibought Sonar. Not unhappy, but I coulda have worked with Reaper and been totally fine!

EZ Drummer is awesome, different than Groove Agent. GA is good and has advantages, but I've always had problems with software after I install GA, and GA costs more. I wont be buying any more Steinberg products.

Never had one issue at all with EZD, and the add-on sound modules are well worth the money. It looks and runs like a real drum kit on the screen, with a built in mixer for multiple outputs. Super easy drag and drop track building. GA relies on midi control.
For drums, if you can't afford Superior 2.0, I'd very highly recommend XLN Audio Addictive Drums. It
s only slightly more than EZ Drummer and they have a free demo ( one kit, can't save ). If you want samples of some bad-*** tunes using it in a Prog/Math Metal format, check out the 'Rate My Mix/Tone' threads with AD/Addictive. Users "Deadstar" and "Fuge" have some incredible presets and music to for that matter. XLN also has way more potential.

Check out

for some raw comparisons...

FWIW, I think Addictive Drums sounds MUCH more real/lively than EZ Drummer. Whether it be for Rock/Folk/Metal or anything else it's got way more potential than anything else in it's price range. It can be EZ Drummer easy or deep edited for amazing sound.