So who else doesn't use "modern" on a Rectifier?

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
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I can't be the only one... When i bought the amp i just put it with a ton of gain on the red channel/modern and cranked it. Since then my tastes have changed, switched to el34's and a couple of pedals. I pretty much stay within raw for tight chord work and vintage for soloing. The clean channel just sparkles with the right guitar and touch. This amp turned out to be alot more versatile than people think. Anyone else out there using a rectifier for something a bit less modern sounding?
As of late I have been running my Dual w/ el34's --> Orange Channel --> Vintage Mode --> Gain about 9:00, Mids 1:00, Bass 9:00, Presence and treble 1:00. Run that into the 2x12 of heartbreaker combo loaded with a Vintage 30 and a scumback m75 25 watter. :)
I also run a reissue tungsol in V1 and an old Mullard CV4024 in the PI.. that really tames it and it also seems to make it less buzzy.

When I first bought my recto I was playing a lot of dropped tuning stuff and I had the mids scooped and NEVER cut through the mix.

Only If I knew then what I know now....
Same and red stay on vintage with the gain set very low compared to other recto users. I mostly hang out on channel 2 anyway...that channel is pure magic! Channel 3 is there when I need the grunt. Channels 1 and 4 go mostly unused unless the session calls for it. Every now and again, a track calls for modern or the ultra-sparkle clean of channel 1. All in all, I'm glad I went with this amp instead of a scaled back dual channel or something of the like. I play everything, so I need an amp that can do everything. I skipped the Road King because I just don't like EL-34s...never have, and I doubt I ever will. I'm currently waiting for a set of KT-77s for the Roadster and I'll run a new mix of preamp tubes as well as soon as I get the time to figure out what I'm wanting.
On my triple recto I ended up running vintage, but on my road king I find that I can run modern and still have the tone be articulate, so I do that on the road king.
I play vintage and raw fairly often on my RKII, you can get some pretty nifty tones in raw mode if you set the knobs to some different stuff. Vintage sounds great for rhythm/chordy stuff and lead work, I find. Maybe a bit more gain for the lead stuff.
Yeah, modern is an odd bird in the Rect-0-Verb combo as well. I started out using it but found that I like the smooth singing vintage mode better for home use. Modern seems to work better in a band situation towards the end of the night/practice... I wasn't sure what to think when I came to the realization that I liked Vintage mode better than Modern, but i've since come to grips and really dig the tone from both clean and distortion now! Especially since I got a push/pull pot installed on my JP guitar. Tonal variety is a good thing!
I see a lot of 3 channel Recto users chiming in. Is there any 2 channel Recto users that clone Vintage to their Red Channel? My second Recto should be here tomorrow and I plan on doing that with it, as well as running EL34's to have something a little different than my 6L6/Modern Recto I use as my primary amp now.
vintage mode all the way! Hey I could even do with a one channel vintage mode amp I guess.

Strange right ? It is like owning a ferrari and driving in the lower gears.
I use channel 2 in vintage mode most of the time, I call it my Bad Company/Van Halen brown channel.

I play covers so I do use the clean #1 channel and kick in a tube screamer for blues or low gain songs.

I use channel 3 in modern mode. I call it crispy cream, I lower the mids some and raise the gain to get a more modern sound.

But I probably use channel 2 60% of the time, to my ears thats the sound I bought this amp for.

I am using a Weber Mass with 2 power tubes and one rectifier tube pulled in my Triple. My main group is a loud band, for lower volume situations I bought a quartet of Yellow Jackets.
I have been using the vintage mode on channels 2 and 3 now for about 6 months. I play in a metal/hardcore band I really like the sounds I get out of it after I adjusted the eq settings on each channel. It takes a little bit of the harsh edge that the modern channel can have sometimes, and with my amp, it really helps even out the levels between the clean channel and the 2 dirty channels, and it allows me to push the volumes higher on ch2 and 3. I have the orange channel set up slightly different than the Red, so that depending on the song, I can get a different gain sound if I want to.

Silverwulf said:
I see a lot of 3 channel Recto users chiming in. Is there any 2 channel Recto users that clone Vintage to their Red Channel? My second Recto should be here tomorrow and I plan on doing that with it, as well as running EL34's to have something a little different than my 6L6/Modern Recto I use as my primary amp now.

Back when I had my 2 Ch. Dual, I used to clone Vintage to my Red Channel, so I would basically have 2 vintage modes. One for my heavy rhythms, the other for my leads. Sure do love those 2 Ch. Recs.
Sometimes I find myself just jamming away in the "pushed" mode
on channel one, it just sounds so sweet.

And lately "raw" on ch 3 has been seeing alot of use. Sounds big and fat, just perfect in our 1 guitar hard rock band. But definitely use vintage and modern as well, for leads and heavy rhythm respectively.

As for those who think the Rectos are 1 trick ponies I was sold when I heard
tones as diverse as one of the guys in Pelican delivering crushing stoner style riffs and then the guitarist for Eddie Money sounding absolutely amazing.

Definitely cool to have a mode for every mood! :D
Two channel Dual Rec set as vintage on red ... running with two EL34s and both tube rectifiers ... 8ohm 4x10 cab in the 4 ohm out. This makes a big difference and opens up the sound.

The red side on vintage is just a little more crunchy than the orange. It gives a nice contrast without too much of a surprise bump .. adds just a little push when I want one. I find EL34s to be more focused than 6L6s and give a little extra 'wood' to the tone. I like the way they break and and still hold their stiffness. Playing with two instead of four let's me stay more comfortable along that edge. I've always found this DR to be very friendly with pedals, but especially with EL34s. 6L6s are sure sweet and very musical and I don't plan on getting rid of them, but I'm really enjoying the EL34s for now. I hope you will, too.
And correct me if I'm wrong, but when you clone the Modern Red to sound like the Vintage Orange, then both Presence controls become active too don't they, and each of them affects a different tonal spectrum so you have 2 Presence knobs to dial in your sounds that sweep a different range? It's been a while since I read the manual, but I think recall reading that. Will be cool to experiment with if that's the case.
Channel 1: Clean with BB preamp for boost.
Channel 2: Vintage with gain straight up.
Channel 3: Vintage with the gain @ 2:30 for lead. Sometimes on Raw for a stones type rhythms. Amp is totally versatile with enough tweaking.
I have a 3 channel recto and have finally given up on the modern switch. Sounds fizzy. Just gonna try channel 3 on vintage with more gain as a different lead channel. I am running all stock tubes which I want to replace with some el34s.
To me the amp sounds great with EL34's in, the only problem I had was with the clean channel breaking up when it was at gig volume. Not really even a problem just a personal preference.

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