So then, I'll start using class "A" to be quieter?

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May 17, 2008
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IA chapter NAMM~Regional Hitman
Been over 15 years with the same members in my band. Sat. night I decided to gig with the Mark because it was a smoke free venue. The drummer says... "gosh, that is too loud. Can you turn it down?" I was using my Mark III green stripe with Thiele EV cab. I had it against a wall so maybe that was reflecting too much his way. I took a pillow and put it on his side to block the wall wash. I think he was hearing it because of the open back and the wall reflections. Putting the pillow up calmed him. I had been using it in my studio at higher levels and had gotten real used to the way I expected it to sound. I run it about 2 1/2 master there. Saturday night I was on 1 3/4 master. I eventually got it on "2" master later in the night. I always gig with the TSL100 Marshall an run it pretty high. I have all three of the channels at about 4-6, but he doesn't hear much and actually has a bit in his monitor because the 4x12 1960a lead cab is closed and it's a bit away from him.

When he complained about my volume I asked him to step out front and he did... he agreed with me that it was not very loud. I think the trouble is the open back and he is not used to that.

So I'm thinking that I wished I would have taken SPL from front back side et cetera. I'm also thinking I like some drive because in my view the Mark sounds better at "2" up. So maybe I can back all the pre-gains down and up the power amp section and find a solution that way and then I thought maybe I should use class "A". Mine is 85/25 watts so heck it should be at least almost half as loud. I am thinking I would still get nice tone and likely better harmonic overtone stuff actually etc. and I could somehow feel better about a quieter backline.

But then, I think it was the wall wash and leave it all be.

Can someone give me a little advice about deciding to run class "A" with it? How about tube life. Is it true that the 6l6's will never run and the EL84's will need to be replaced "often"

How about the open back, should I just carry a side curtain thingy to put up?

I can't find time to play with it until Sunday. I plan to do a lot of comparing with gain settings pre/post and using the SPL meter. I plan to jump into the effort of liking class "A" through some knob twisting as well. I have not used class "A" on it for as long I can remember.

I intend to use the Mark III and Thiele on gigs from now on as our state just adopted the smoking ban effective July 1. I had used it very selectively in the past (I kept it out of smokey bars!) and used it in much larger venues where we were not so close together.

This post banters a few directions but in closing; what can I expect using it class "A" and how about a side curtain (anyone make one?) sums it up. LOL
First off, wattage vs. volume is an exponential relationship, therefore 25watts compared to 85watts is no where near half as loud. I'm not sure of the exact curve, but it's probably more like 25-40% quieter or something in that ball park.

8.5watts is half as loud as 85watts. It's kind of like inertia in a car, the faster you go, the harder your engine has to work to go just a little bit faster. Eventually you obviously reach a break point where the physical boundaries of the engine prevent you from going faster. Similar idea with wattage and volume. Going from 8.5 watts to 20 watts will probably net you more volume than going from 20 watts to 85 watts will.

Anyway, I don't know anything about side curtains, but AFAIK, class A should work with any type of tubes. It doesn't really matter what the tube is, class A is just a different way of routing power. As I understand it, it leaves the power to the tube "on" all the time, so when you hit a note, there is no "start-up" time in first getting power and wattage to the tube and THEN creating the sound, the sound just flows through instantly. With Simulclass, you probably have noticed there is that slight, slight sludgey feeling of the amp kicking in. It's barely noticeable, probably timed in the milliseconds, but it is there.

Class A will definitely eat up tube life a bit quicker but... who cares? That's what tubes are for right? As my Road King manual says: "Roast the little buggers!"
You might enjoy Randall Smith's paper on class A, it's available on the official Mesa site. Personally, I like the tone from a class A bias better than class AB for the clean/bluesy tones I most commonly use. Your pillow idea is cool! Peace.
I unplug the combo speaker and just run the Thiele (8 ohm jack) for the girly-men who think the open back is too loud. Then I plug it back in later when no one's looking.
I've never seen mentioned anywhere that running a Mark III in "Class A" will cause the outer pair of tubes to wear out faster. It's certainly not been my experience, and I bought mine in 1990.
212Mavguy said:
You might enjoy Randall Smith's paper on class A, it's available on the official Mesa site. Personally, I like the tone from a class A bias better than class AB for the clean/bluesy tones I most commonly use. Your pillow idea is cool! Peace.

I have the little booklet. It's a large amount of reading and I have looked it over. This time, I'll actually read it through slowly. Thank you.
GIG4FUN said:
MrMarkIII said:
I unplug the combo speaker and just run the Thiele (8 ohm jack) for the girly-men who think the open back is too loud. Then I plug it back in later when no one's looking.

I thought of that. The sound man won't even know. He mics the Thiele! I'll do it for grins next time...

:lol: :lol: :lol: