Small amp recommendation

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Boogie Supporter
Jan 12, 2008
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I have had an Express 5:50 1 x 12 combo for a little over a year. I really love it’s tone, flexibility and relative portability, however now I’m interested in something smaller when I jam without a full band, with just another guitarist, harmonica player or singer.

I want an all tube combo, 1 x 10 (or 1 x 12 if it’s small and light enough) channel switching, cascading gain, master volume controls and reverb.

Although I play mostly blues, I’d like enough gain to play hard rock without a pedal when I want to. As much gain as my Express is fine.

I don’t need multiple modes, GEQ or a contour switch (though if the amp has those things it’s fine).

The amp doesn’t have to be a Boogie, though I like the build quality and the fact that they’re made in USA.

My Express 5:50 sounds good enough at low volume levels that I don’t need a lower powered amp (though I prefer it to be). I’m looking for lighter weight and even more portability. A “grab and go” amp where I can grab the amp, a cord, my guitar, plug straight in and jam.

I’d like all this for under $500 delivered if possible.

Am I asking for too much?
mesa makes the 5:25 with a 10 inch speaker but i bet you already knew that. mesa also makes the DC-2, F-30 and the subway/rocket series which ive seen on craigslist for under $450.

i cant really think of much else that would be a low watt tube amp with channel switching other than a krank rev jr pro. its only 20 watts and it actually sounds pretty sweet. unfortunately its more a of a metal amp but it might be worth test driving one at your local GC.

if you dont mind sacrificing channel switching, a fender blues junior is a fantastic amp. you could look for a epi valve jr or a gretsch electromatic (forgot the exact name but it looked neat) or maybe get REALLY lucky and find an Orange tiny terror combo for under 500.
Thanks for the info.

I'll be replacing a Gibson GA-5 (similar to a Fender Champ/Gretsch Electromatic/Epi Valve Jr except that it's PTP and made in USA) with this amplifier. I want something more full and modern sounding.

My 5:50 combo replaced my 1968 Princeton Reverb (which I sold for enough money to buy the 5:50). I'm looking for something about the same size as a Princeton Reverb but with more drive and flexibility.

I looked at the 5:25 when I bought my 5:50. I liked it a lot but not as a $1000 amp.

I like the Subway Blues quite a bit but want more gain. Besides, I have a 5E3 clone and a '66 Vibrolux Reverb that get me real nice non-master volume tones.

I'm interested in the DC-2 and Subway Rocket. An F-30 would be great but I haven't seen one in my price range.
I have a Subway Rocket. I see them on ebay in the 400 dollar range.

Its a great amp, I thought the Express's were pretty portable. The Subway is louder than you think, Ive used it in 200 seat clubs without micing it so it may be more than you want.

I picked up a POD PRO off craigs list with a floorboard last year for 200 dollars. For practicing its great with headphones. It does a good job straight into a mixer board or for recording.

Good Luck
A 1980s Fender Super Champ would also fit the bill, but they seem to be going for around $800.
Approx. how much does the Subway Rocket weigh?

I often use a PODxt to practice.

My 5:50 is loud enough and quiet enough for my needs. I practice in my basement, go to weekly jam sessions and play outdoor barbecues with it. I'm looking for an amp that's even more portable for casual jams with friends.

The Super Champ is a great amp. It's a little too pricey for me though.
The DC series amps are great. I just got a DC-3 shorthead last month. The DCs are the predecessors of the F series and Express series. They are the best of the bunch IMO - by far.

All Mesa amps (and tube amps in general) are loud. That is the nature of tube power. But, all of them sound great at any volume that i've played/owned. I've owned a few!

My vote is a DC-2 or DC-3. The 3 has the GEQ which makes it very versatile...
How are the Studio .22 and Studio .22+? There is one of each available near me within my budget.
From what I've been told they're the same size as a Mark I. Both owners said they weigh about 30 pounds.

Keep in mind that my biggest concerns (after tone, of course) are portability and the amp's ability to sound good at all volume levels.
Don said:
How are the Studio .22 and Studio .22+? There is one of each available near me within my budget.
From what I've been told they're the same size as a Mark I. Both owners said they weigh about 30 pounds.

Keep in mind that my biggest concerns (after tone, of course) are portability and the amp's ability to sound good at all volume levels.

Studio .22 or .22+ could be just what you're looking for - IF they are in good condition. Both are pretty old amps now. The other one you should seriously consider, as someone already mentioned, is the DC series. Specifically the DC-3. This is a great amp, is really versatile, has plenty of gain on tap if that's your bag, sounds insanely good at almost any volume level, AND has the added advantage of 2 completely independent channels with assignable graphic eq. You should be able to pick one up for under $500 easily. Love my DC-3.
plumptone said:
Don said:
The other one you should seriously consider, as someone already mentioned, is the DC series. Specifically the DC-3. This is a great amp, is really versatile, has plenty of gain on tap if that's your bag, sounds insanely good at almost any volume level, AND has the added advantage of 2 completely independent channels with assignable graphic eq. You should be able to pick one up for under $500 easily. Love my DC-3.

Bingo. I paid $400 shipped for my near mint DC-3 shorthead. I wouldn't mind to have a combo cab to throw it in for even easier portability. The recto 1x12s are not too hard to transport though so i'll stick with my shorty. I've owned many-a-Mesa and the DC-3 ranks at the top of my list.
prob a bit risky to say that, but check out a Peavey Bravo 112.

borrowed one from a buddy to check her and im stunned. 2 independent channels, reverb, effect loop, 3x12ax7 powered by 2xel84s pounding 20w, very cool lead channel (that marshall tone plus you can really crank it) and great clean, not too much headroom, around 5 it's start to break-up, but a cool break-up and it cost peanuts, already saw'em on craigslist for 150usd.

the only down on her is the speaker, but you swap it and youre good to go with a 220usd or so combo amp.
I like my Rivera Clubster DOCE 25 watt. It's got 2 6V6's and works fine for me in those situations you describe. 1x12. 2 Ch, F/X loop. pricey at $999, but I think it's worth it.

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