Slave out or effects loop out?

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Feb 15, 2010
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I'm thinking about going to a wet/dry/wet setup with my Mark V and another power amp. Any advantages or disadvantages with using either the slave out versus effects loop out? Any comments from guys that have tried both would be appreciated. Thanks.
The effects loop output comes just after the preamp, but before the power amp, so you're getting just the preamp signal. The slave out is tapped off of the output transformer itself, so you will get pretty much everything in the circuit at that point. When I run W/D/W, I use the slave out. The biggest advantage to the slave out is that it has a level control that doesn't affect the volume coming out of your speakers, which makes it easier to optimize the signal hitting your effects.
I run mine with effect send to the eventide than power amp and nothing in the return, effect loop on, with the slave out I have squeele ? with deep activated on my 2.90, problem fix with the use of the loop send :D