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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2013
Reaction score
Southwest Michigan
I have been considering a pickup swap between two of my guitars. Before I gut one for the other, I tried a set of GFS Fat PAT humbuckers I have in an Ibanez RG through my TC50. I haven't touched this guitar for many months and was surprised to find out I had it tuned down a full step.

My Hi Gain channel has the gain knob at around 2:30. The bass is around 11:00, mids fluctuated between 9:00 and 11:00, treble and presence around 9:00. Channel master was at noon, and global master about 11:30. I have the amp running into a vertical Recto 2x12. The top speaker is a WGS Veteran 30 and the bottom speaker is a Mesa V30. I started with the Hi channel in normal mode, then flipped the switch to tight.

OMG! The tone was unbelievable! Sinister is the best way I can describe it. It wasn't dark, just roaring wickedness that would scare small children. Sabbath tunes were powerful and crushing. I couldn't stop playing, and I never flipped the switch back to normal.

Unfortunately, I don't currently have a method of posting clips, but I really wish I could share!
Yep the tight mode does its job for dropped tuned guitars or the 7 and 8 string varieties. I basically just ran my 6 string bass into it just for kicks. (Ibanez cross-over short scale bass similar to a baritone guitar but much heavier strings and tune to same as a 4 string bass. 2 octaves lower than a 6 string.) I would not recommend using a bass guitar on a guitar amp but wanted to see if I would like that sort of thing. May get a 7 string one day. Have not found one I was happy with to want to buy it though.